(NOTE: In the fall of 2018, Brendah Ndagire, UCU Partners Communications Associate, came on the Uganda Christian University Mukono campus to interview some UCU Partners scholarship recipients. For a 10-day period, UCU Partners features a summary of their feedback. To support students like these, contact Mark Bartels, executive director, UCU Partners, at m.t.bartels@ugandapartners.org or donate directly at: https://www.ugandapartners.org/donate/)

Name: Ochora Walter
Program: Diploma in Procurement and Logistic Management
How has the scholarship helped you in your course of study?
It has helped me to study at a Christian University and getting knowledge which I can apply after my studies.It has also helped me to meet different people not only in Uganda but other parts of the world.
How would do you want to use your degree and why?
I want to help other needy people in our society by offering and giving back to them what God has done for me. Of course, I want to acquire a job to do after my studies. I also am looking forward to continuing with education if God wants me to continue; I will be appreciative of that as well.
What do you want to say to your sponsor?
I appreciate them for what they have done in my life and other children/students to be part of UCU.

Name: Nakungu Patricia
Program: Bachelor of Procurement and Logistics Management
How has the scholarship helped you in your course of study?
I am able to concentrate on my studies because I don’t have to worry about incomplete tuition.
How would do you want to use your degree and why?
I want to become a very successful business woman that’s what I have always wanted. And I want to put my degree to use by becoming a procurement officer with a difference.
What do you want to say to your sponsor?
I want to thank them so much for the opportunity they have given me to be part of a great institution and attain a quality education.

Name: Oweta Paul
Program: Diploma in Procurement and Logistics Management
How has the scholarship helped you in your course of study?
It has brought a bright future which seemed darker a few years ago. The scholarship has brought hope in my life.
How would do you want to use your degree and why?
I want to work as a procurement officer in the military. I am inspired by my uncle who studied a similar program, and when he graduated he joined the military and went on to live his other dream of opening a powerful church and charity home which helps needy children in his community.
What do you want to say to your sponsor?
Thank you maximumly!