(NOTE: In the fall of 2018, Brendah Ndagire, UCU Partners’ Communications Associate, came on the Uganda Christian University Mukono campus to interview some UCU Partners scholarship recipients. For a 10-day period, UCU Partners features a summary of their feedback. To support students like these, contact Mark Bartels, executive director, UCU Partners, at m.t.bartels@ugandapartners.org or donate directly at: https://www.ugandapartners.org/donate/)

Name: Kalule Toney
Program: Bachelor of Social Work and Social Administration
How has the scholarship helped you in your course of study?
It has exposed me to the world here. It has helped me to acquire knowledge, made friends and have been able to redefine myself.
How would do you want to use your degree and why?
I want to be an advocate and an activist for girl education, employment opportunities and human rights. I want to get a platform for sensitizing fellow youths about the value of education. I hope someday to start an organization for training vulnerable groups of people in my community.
What do you want to say to your sponsor?
Thank you so much!

Name: Bwambale Bernard Molcho
Program: Bachelor of Arts with Education (graduated)
How has the scholarship helped you in your course of study?
It has helped me to focus on my studies and I am proud to graduate with a great GPA! The scholarship helped to restore hope of completing my degree. If I had got this opportunity earlier, I would have got a first class degree.
How would do you want to use your degree and why?
I want to become an artist, to make art pieces to fundraise for the well-being of other unprivileged people particularly in acquiring skills through formal education. I want to be an art teacher and inspire young people in high school to view a bright future beyond the life of lack of enough resources.
What do you want to say to your sponsor?
Thank you even though I think it is not enough other than praying for blessings to them, their family, and their work.