Schools like Uganda Christian University (UCU) provide a platform for students to develop a religious identity, with the view that such a move will enable them to deepen the understanding of their faith. Such schools often also offer an environment that allows the cultivation of a sense of belonging among students. Pauline Luba recently talked to UCU students to better understand how the university has helped them develop their faith.
Isaiah Tom Opio, Bachelor of Business Administration, Year 1

My educational journey has taken me through different communities and settings. And that has meant that I had to adapt to the different cultures in which I found myself. Each time I found myself in a new environment, I have had to reassess and re-establish myself in a way that allows me to fit in.
In a way, God has always been using me to bless those around me. I learned this as I grew older and got deeper in life and began to understand my identity in Christ and who I was in the presence of God. That helped me understand and see the bigger picture of what God was doing in my life. So, I’ve been able to build better relationships and learned to connect on a personal level with the people around me. One of the safest and most productive places for growth is the community in which someone is living. Uganda Christian University provides a community that allows people to express themselves in a spiritual way in the understanding of Christ.
Amayo Samantha Aleni, Bachelor of Journalism and Communication, Year 2

I think God is using me to bring healing to the cities and the nations through ministry. I’m quite passionate about ministry, so I volunteer my creative skills to the youth and young adults’ ministry at Watoto Church in Uganda. This way, I can impact broken and disheartened youth by showing them God’s unconditional love through my works. I believe the continuous fellowships at Uganda Christian University help reinforce my value of Christianity. Whether it is community worship or fellowship with fellow coursemates, it helps me remain accountable to God as I’m always surrounded by His presence, an atmosphere UCU doesn’t fail to create.
Hilda Marianne Asio, Bachelor of Laws, Year 2

I’ve grown to learn that one’s relationship with God should not stem from the perspectives other people have but rather from one’s own experiences with God. I’ve had several encounters with people who have never experienced God’s presence in their lives, or so they say. All I say to them is pray to God so that they can receive His blessings before the time is too late for them to give their lives to Christ. In other words, I feel like God is using me to help others discover Him in their unique ways rather than “indoctrinating” them. When I joined UCU, I found my Christian family, and that has helped grow my spirituality.
Esther Kabwe, Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication, Year 3

It feels different when you’re within a space where people are not ashamed of the gospel. It’s a relief knowing that I can greet a random person by the phrase “Praise Jesus” and they won’t judge me because I am in a Christian setting.
One time, a friend received sad news and she was crestfallen. To lift her up, I invited her to a prayer in the open. It then hit us that we didn’t have to hide for fear that people would think praying was weird. I advise others to have a group of friends that you can share matters about faith with, people who can send you scriptures, invite you to church, and be ready to pray for and with you.
Sifa Kubalezaga Nadège, Bachelors of Business Administration, Year 2

As a choir member, I believe God used me to preach to His people through songs of adoration and worship. God is the center of my life; He has been there for me and is still walking with me. To me, worshiping God is not because it is an obligation, but, rather, a sign of appreciation towards the many good things He does in my life. UCU contributes to the development of my Christian life through activities such as community worship and family fellowship, where we get time to meet as a community and speak to God. We also use the opportunity to share with Him our burdens. Sunday services enable me to fulfill the commandment of the respect for the Sabbath.
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