Category Archives: Faculty of Public Health, Nursing and Midwifery

Dr. Elizabeth Namukombe Ekong is UCU’s new Dean of the Faculty of Public Health, Nursing, and Midwifery, and the current chairperson of the Uganda Nursing and Midwives Council.

Ekong becomes Dean of Faculty of Public Health, Nursing, and Midwifery

Dr. Elizabeth Namukombe Ekong is UCU’s new Dean of the Faculty of Public Health, Nursing, and Midwifery, and the current chairperson of the Uganda Nursing and Midwives Council.
Dr. Elizabeth Namukombe Ekong is UCU’s new Dean of the Faculty of Public Health, Nursing, and Midwifery, and the current chairperson of the Uganda Nursing and Midwives Council.

By Irene Best Nyapendi
Midwives are witnesses of the miracle that giving birth is. In doing so, they support mothers through labor and delivery. And that has been the profession of Dr. Elizabeth Namukombe Ekong for decades, both as an active and passive participant. 

For the times when she was an active midwife, Ekong says one of her most memorable experiences involved a baby who was delivered breech. A breech is when either the bottom or the feet of the baby comes first during delivery. And as expected, such scenarios may result in complications if not handled skillfully. For the case that Ekong was handling, the baby came out but was not breathing. Neither did it cry. And that was a serious concern for both the mother and the medics.

‘It finally cried’
Ekong took the baby to a separate room, performed resuscitation, and prayed fervently, declaring life into it, until it finally cried. Overjoyed, she connected the baby to oxygen and brought it back to the mother, who was filled with tears of joy. Those are the kinds of miracles that from childhood, Ekong prayed to be performing – bringing hope to a distressed patient. 

“I was determined to touch lives and help people feel better,” she recalls.

However, along the way, she changed direction, from clinical practice to academia, possibly to ensure that instead of practicing, she takes charge of teaching and churning out more medics who will be able to do what she all along dreamed of.

Midwifery or teaching?
Ekong crossed to academia in 2008 after completing her Bachelor of Nursing Science at Uganda Christian University (UCU). She was among the pioneer students for this course at UCU. After completing her bachelor’s degree, she was faced with a difficult choice: to remain in her government position as a midwife or accept a tutorial assistant role at UCU.  She chose the latter.  

And since 2008, Ekong has not looked back, growing through the ranks at UCU, with her most recent appointment as the Dean of the Faculty of Public Health, Nursing, and Midwifery. 

She holds a Diploma in Midwifery, a Diploma in Nursing, a Bachelor of Nursing Science from UCU (2008), a master’s degree (2011), and a PhD from the University of Central Nicaragua (2022). Dr. Karen Drake, emeritus professor of nursing, Bethel University (St. Paul, Minn.), has been her mentor.

“I was surprised when I heard that I had been appointed dean, but after I shared the information with my family and friends, their excitement for me filled my heart with joy,” she said during an interview she granted Uganda Partners recently.

She sees her latest appointment as a calling from God, as well as the result of her strong attention to detail and dedication to her work, qualities she says her colleagues have consistently recognized.

Now, as dean
As she takes over from Dr. Miriam Mutabazi, she envisions increasing student enrollment, growing strong faculty teams, and expanding the faculty’s programs, including the introduction of a PhD program.

As dean, she has delegated the responsibility for clinical course units to others, as her role requires her to be less present at the hospital with the students. However, she continues to serve as a senior lecturer, teaching students pursuing bachelor’s and master’s degrees in the faculty.

She identifies one of the faculty’s key challenges as operating in hospitals that are not owned by UCU for student training. This often prevents them from taking all students to a single facility due to capacity limitations, highlighting the need for more staff. 

To address this, they collaborate with personnel at such hospitals to assist in training. She envisions a future where UCU has its own hospital, enhancing the educational experience for students.

What makes UCU’s nursing program unique is that the Bachelor of Nursing Science curriculum includes Foundation Courses like world views, Christian living (New and Old Testament), Christian ethics and others. The curriculum is designed to equip students with the necessary competencies and skills that the teaching staff are committed to pass on. The Master of Nursing Science curriculum integrates the Christian and professional ethics in the different course units, giving the graduates unique competencies that make them stand out in the communities they serve.

Such an approach focuses on nurturing students to embrace both professional and Christian ethics, in line with the nursing anthem that proclaims their divine calling to serve. 

Ekong is the chairperson of the Uganda Nurses and Midwives Council (UNMC), the regulators of the nursing profession in Uganda. The body enforces standards of training and practice, registers nurses and midwives, and provides professional guidelines for public safety.

At 57, Ekong is a mother and wife, married to Dr. Ekong Joseph, a medical doctor. The couple has been married for more than 25 years. They are blessed with three biological children, two of whom are currently pursuing degrees at UCU. She says her family has been a source of strength and encouragement, supporting her through her career journey.


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UCU Kampala Campus where the main academic building at the School of Law, is soon to be called the John Senyonyi Building.

UCU names buildings after exceptional contributors

UCU Kampala Campus where the main academic building at the School of Law, is soon to be called the John Senyonyi Building.
UCU Kampala Campus where the main academic building at the School of Law, is soon to be called the John Senyonyi Building.

By Jimmy Siyasa
The honor-tradition of naming buildings after individuals in recognition of their extraordinary contribution toward a given cause dates back to the first century Common Era. One of the notable instances of the practice was when Roman General Agrippa had his name inscribed on the Pantheon Temple, a towering temple he built and dedicated to the worship of all Roman gods between AD 25-27, although in later centuries it was taken over by the Roman Catholic Church. 

This tradition is still alive and well, even after two millennia, and including with the recent Uganda Christian University (UCU) re-naming of seven buildings. In 2016, American business news television channel, CNBC, reported that sometimes organizations, especially charities, also use naming-of-facilities as a strategy to both encourage more donations from the honored persons or others who covet having their names emblazoned across a building somewhere. 

Just like many human endeavors, this tradition has both its pros and cons. 

One downside is that putting a person’s name on a building may detract from the actual purpose of what the building serves or houses. An additional downside of naming buildings after still-living persons is a debate in some circles that a living person may stray or change-for-the-bad, betraying the cause for which they were honored. 

The upside is giving honor to whom it is due. This rationale is mirrored by the UCU Council when at the end-of-2024 meeting, it resolved to honor seven “distinguished persons who have contributed greatly to the growth and development of the university over the years,” as stated in a December 4, 2024 memo from the Vice Chancellor. An additional upside is that this honor-tradition can serve as a means of inspiring more people- especially the young to do good.

The seven persons at UCU are: Rev. Canon Dr. John Senyonyi, Bishop Dunstan Bukenya, Dr. Alex Kagume, the late Rev. Canon. Dr. Jackson Turyagenda, Dr. Jean Chamberlain, Dr. Karen Drake and Ilakut Bella Bella. Below is an overview of their contributions and the corresponding university building/facilities named after them.


Rev. Canon Dr. John Senyonyi
Rev. Canon Dr. John Senyonyi

Rev. Canon Dr. John Senyonyi: He served as University Chaplain, Deputy Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, Deputy Vice Chancellor for Development and External Relations and Vice Chancellor. He was instrumental in the growth of the University for about 20 years. He led in the development of many academic programs and university policies. He also played a key role in negotiating the purchase of the land where Kampala Campus is now located.

After him, the main academic building at the UCU Kampala Campus School of Law, is now called the “John Senyonyi Building.” 


Bishop Dunstan Bukenya
Bishop Dunstan Bukenya

Bishop Dunstan Bukenya: Now a retired cleric of the Anglican Church of Uganda, Bishop Bukenya was at the center of the transition from Bishop Tucker Theological College to Uganda Christian University in 1997, and the first University Secretary. He led in the development of university policies and programs. He trained and mentored multitudes of theologians in the country who are now key leaders in the Church and the region. 

The Library for Bishop Tucker School of Divinity and Theology students, formerly known as the Bishop Tucker Library, is soon to be the “Bishop Dunstan Bukenya Library.” 


Dr. Alex Kagume
Dr. Alex Kagume

Dr. Alex Kagume: Now serving as the Deputy Executive Director of Uganda’s National Council for Higher Education (NCHE), the regulator for all tertiary and higher institutions of learning, he was recognized for his leading role in the establishment of UCU. He also served as the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and contributed to the development of many academic programs and policies. He also taught in the School of Divinity and Theology for over 17 years.

The Science laboratory building for the Faculty of Engineering, Design and Technology, formerly “Tech Park Science Labs” block, is designated the “Alex Engineering Building.”


Dr. Jean Chamberlain
Dr. Jean Chamberlain

Dr. Jean Chamberlain: She established the Save the Mothers program at UCU with the aim of reducing child and maternal death in selected referral hospitals in the country. She contributed greatly to the starting of the Master of Public Health Leadership that has trained many prominent leaders in the Nursing profession in the country.

Save The Mothers House, located at the UCU staff quarters at the Besania foothill, is designated the  “Jean Chamberlain House.”

Prof. Karen Drake
Prof. Karen Drake

Prof. Karen Drake: She was at the center of establishing the Nursing Science program at UCU from Diploma to Masters, and now the developing PhD program. Karen has trained PhDs in the Nursing Program by sourcing for funding. She still teaches in the program as a Visiting Professor.

The Nursing Skills Laboratories located at the ICMI Building at UCU, will from now on be the “Karen Drake Nursing Laboratories.”

Ilakut Ben Bella
Ilakut Ben Bella

Ben Bella Ilakut: A pioneer print and broadcast journalist in Uganda, Ben Bella, as he is famously known by the Uganda media fraternity, was at the center of establishing the studios of the UCU School of Journalism, Media and Communication (JMC). He taught for over 10 years in the school, and he has mentored many prominent communication and media personalities in Uganda. 

The radio and television studios of the School of JMC have been “baptized” as the “Ben Bella Ilakut Studios.” 

Rev. Canon. Dr. Jackson Turyagyenda
Rev. Canon. Dr. Jackson Turyagyenda

The late Rev. Canon. Dr. Jackson Turyagyenda: He played a leading role in starting a Church of Uganda Radio Center and the Department of Communication at UCU, which overtime morphed into the school. Dr. Turyagenda was the architect of “radio ministry’” (radio evangelism) of the Anglican Church in Uganda. He was a leading Radio evangelist and he mentored many Christian media communicators and practitioners. 

While he passed away at the end of 2024, Turyagenda’s legacy will remain etched on with his name inscribed on the building that formerly hosted the university community newspaper, Standard; it is named the “Jackson Turyagyenda building.” 

Anyone who has been acquainted or worked with at least one of the UCU “fantastic seven’’ can attest that the honour bestowed on them by UCU is due. 

The plan is for the names to be put on the buildings by the end of the UCU Easter 2024 Semester this April. 

The last time a building name designation was made was in 2015 when the Rev. Dr. Stephen Noll and his wife, Peggy,  had the Mukono campus’ 22 lecture room block named after them.  


Uganda Christian University has many stories like this one. To support programs, students, activities, and services, go to and click on the “donate” button, or contact UCU Partners Executive Director, Mark Bartels, at

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Some of the awardees who received plaques as part of UCU’s new performance-based staff awards with the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi (front, center)

UCU awards exceptional staff at end-of-year community worship

Some of the awardees who received plaques as part of UCU’s new performance-based staff awards with the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi (front, center)
Some of the awardees who received plaques as part of UCU’s new performance-based staff awards with the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi (front, center)

By Irene Best Nyapendi
An early November 2024 call from the Human Resource and Administration (HR & A) Directorate of Uganda Christian University (UCU) to Suzan Ekadu found her phone off. Nevertheless, the caller sent her a congratulatory message. When Ekadu, an Assistant Registrar at Uganda Christian University (UCU), finally checked her messages, she straightaway thought she was being transferred to another faculty. 

“I hope you are not transferring me again, because I will not go,” she quickly replied, saying she had just been transferred from the Faculty of Engineering, Design and Technology to the School of Business.

However, she realized moments later that the congratulations were to recognize her for exceptional service to the university.

Annually, UCU has been awarding staff members who make a milestone of 10 years of service. However, this year, it was different. A total of 31 employees were recognized for exceptional service, as part of UCU’s new performance-based staff awards.

Suzan Ekadu receives her award for excellent service from UCU Vice Chancellor Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi.
Suzan Ekadu receives her award for excellent service from UCU Vice Chancellor Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi.

Winning this award not only made Ekadu feel appreciated, but also ignited her motivation to achieve even more. 

“This award has shown me that our efforts are recognized,” said Ekadu, who joined the university as an employee nearly 10 years ago. She says through her work, she has learned so much about the policies that shape teaching and learning.

UCU’s quality of education has made an impression on industry practitioners. Ekadu says many universities have been coming “here to benchmark our practices, especially in examination coordination, where I served for some time; this speaks volumes about our commitment to excellence.” 

Ekadu was one of the 31 awardees who received plaques on November 26, 2024 at the university’s end-of-year community worship held at the Main Campus’ Nkoyoyo Hall. 

Deo Musekura, one of the university’s drivers, and an awardee, could not hide his excitement when he learned he would be honored. 

Five days before the awards ceremony, while on duty at UCU’s Kampala Campus, he received a call from the Human Resource Directorate, informing him of the good news. 

“I was pleasantly surprised and overjoyed to hear that I would be among the staff recognized. This shows that the people I work for appreciate what I do,” said Musekura. He  has worked for UCU for four years. 

During the awards ceremony, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Finance and Administration, Mr. David Mugawe, explained how the awards were established. 

“Last year, the University Council asked management to create a way to reward outstanding staff,” he explained. 

The evaluation criteria included staff performance, contributions to research and grants, leadership roles, and excellence in teaching, using the blended learning methods on Moodle. Feedback from students was also an important part of the evaluation process.

Mr. David Mugawe addresses students and staff in Nkoyoyo Hall.
Mr. David Mugawe addresses students and staff in Nkoyoyo Hall.

Mugawe emphasized the need for timely performance reviews, noting that some staff missed out on recognition this year due to incomplete evaluations. Each awardee received a plaque, and a financial reward. 

“This will be an annual event. Let us make sure all evaluations are done on time so we can recognize every deserving staff member,” Mr. Mugawe said.

The performance-based awards aim to create a culture of excellence and commitment at the university.

The staff evaluation is initiated by staff and approved by their supervisor. The evaluation forms include the staff’s key performance indicators and key result areas.

UCU Vice Chancellor Assoc. Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi acknowledged that while no one is without flaws, the contribution of the staff who received awards have been commendable.

Deo Musekura (center) receives his award from UCU Vice Chancellor Aaron Mushengyezi. Left is Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs Assoc. Prof. John M. Kitayimbwa
Deo Musekura (center) receives his award from UCU Vice Chancellor Aaron Mushengyezi. Left is Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs Assoc. Prof. John M. Kitayimbwa

He encouraged the staff to keep striving for excellence in order to maintain the “UCU standard of excellence.”

Prof. Monica Chibita, the Dean of the UCU School of Journalism and one of the awardees, advised her colleagues not to focus solely on recognition while working, but to appreciate the university’s generosity.

Some of the staff members who were recognized for exceptional service are:

Research and Grants:

Prof. Monica Chibita

Prof Elizabeth Kizito 

Dr. Rosemary Bulyaba 

Prof. Eng. Eleanor Wozei 


Dr. Miria Agunyo 

Dr. Gerald Tumusiime 

Dr. Innocent Ndibatya 

Rebecca Gomes Namirimu

Online Platform teaching and learning

Doreen Kukugiza

Jeremy Waiswa

Arabella Abamwesiga

Comfort Mpiriirwe Tumuhamye

Lorine Akinyi

Josephine Namyalo

Andrew Nyombi

Academic Support

Jean Asasira Mutabule

Claire Arinaitwe


Desire Kagaba

Francis Acaye

Beatrice Zalwango

Suzan Ekadu

Administrative Support

Irene Nabwiire

Winnie Thakker

Daniel Kakama

Christine Namatovu Wako

Judith Katoko

Anthony Mukama

Simon Kyalahansi

Deo Maseruka

Nicholas Natuhereza

Shanitah Nuwasasiira


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Caesar Lubangakene in the USA

Lubangakene: Why I opted for humanitarian aid work

Caesar Lubangakene in the USA
Caesar Lubangakene in the USA

By Kefa Senoga
Growing up, Caeser Lubangakene witnessed the suffering that people in northern Uganda faced as a result of a civil strife occasioned by the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) – a Joseph Koney-led, rebel group that waged a war against the country and its people for nearly 20 years. 

As a child growing to adulthood, he experienced trauma and observed how charity organisations and people extended a hand to the affected. His primary school was attacked by the LRA. When older, he saw how his mother, a nurse, cared for victims of the LRA war that started in the mid-1980s. 

Caesar Lubangakene
Caesar Lubangakene

“I would spend most of my (spare) time in the wards with my mother,” the Uganda Christian University (UCU) alum recalled of his teen years.  “Whenever a land mine hit a vehicle, I would see bodies being ferried into the hospital.”

While the region where he lived returned to normalcy by 2006, such observations have had an indelible impact on the humanitarian worker that Lubangakene has become. 

Lubangakene started school in Gulu, a district in northern Uganda. While he was in Primary Two at Negri School, Lubangakene was among those who escaped when the facility was attacked by the LRA. 

His uncle, who was living in Kampala at the time, did not want to leave anything to chance, so he evacuated his nephew to Uganda’s capital, from where Lubangakene studied, until he completed a  university degree. From St. Joseph’s Primary School Nabbingo, near Kampala, he joined Bishop Cipriano Kihangire, Luzira, a suburb of Kampala. After A’level, Lubangakene headed to UCU, where he pursued a Bachelor of Public Health. 

Even though Lubangakene, the youngest of three children, studied in Kampala schools, during the holidays, he would return to northern Uganda to spend time with his mother, Grace Achelom, who was a nurse at Gulu Regional Referral Hospital. 

When not in the wards or the staff quarters of the hospital, Lubangakene and his playmates would be busy by the roadside, admiring “big” vehicles of non-governmental organisations transporting humanitarian aid workers. It is those vehicles, Lubangakene says, that made him admire humanitarian aid work.

Today, Lubangakene, a 2012 graduate of UCU with a First Class degree, serves as the regional grants manager for a Christian international relief agency that provides primary healthcare, food, clean water, and education programs in Sudan and South Sudan. Due to the conflict in the region and the sensitive nature of his work, he prefers not to disclose the name of his organisation.

Lubangakene joined the agency upon completing a Master of Science in Global Health program at the Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, where he studied from 2015 to 2017. In his current role, he oversees grants management. 

“Since I was promoted to the regional office, I have been supervising a team of grants managers in different offices; my role is to make sure we are applying for funding, identifying available funding opportunities or we are reporting or giving accountability on the funding that we have received,” explains Lubangakene, who has experience developing systems for quality assurance for different projects in East Africa and India.

For him, humanitarian work is more than money. He says as a Christian, he has a duty to make a difference and reduce  human suffering. 

Having grown up during insurgency in northern Uganda, Lubangakene says he knows full well what living in a war-affected area means.

After his master’s studies, Lubangakene was offered an opportunity to work with a research firm in the USA, but he declined, opting to work in South Sudan, reasoning that the latter provided a more hands-on role in humanitarian work. 

In 2021, Lubangakene unsuccessfully contested for a parliamentary seat to represent one of the areas in northern Uganda in the national Parliament. 

He is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Public Health.  He began those studies in October 2024 at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. 


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Christy Asiimwe with the Most Rev. Dr. Stephen Samuel Kaziimba Mugalu, Archbishop of Uganda and Bishop of Kampala – ‘grateful to God for his goodness to me’

After graduation – What’s next? Recent alum share

By Christine Mirembe
Unemployment among Ugandans aged 15-24 is improving slowly. According to World Bank data via, it was 4.5% for that age group defined as “available and seeking employment” in 2023 – slightly less than in 2022.  For unemployment, low statistics reflect positive career moves. 

While Uganda Partners continues to feature successes for seasoned Uganda Christian University (UCU) alumni, we decided to highlight a few more recent graduates to learn about the days leading up to graduation and their initial transitions from university life. 

These five new alumni share some of their triumphs, including the value of work experience before graduation and UCU’s reinforcement of Christian faith, and struggles such as the university-required, pre-graduation signature sign offs and cost of gowns and certificates. Graduation day starts as early as 3 a.m. to arrive by 7 a.m. 

Pauline Luba – ‘never settle for mediocrity’
Pauline Luba – ‘never settle for mediocrity’

Pauline Luba (2024 Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication, School of Journalism, Media and Communication)
“You reach a point in your academics when you worry if you will make it to the tent, but to make it especially with your friends means a lot,” she said, noting clearance signatures, cost and time as obstacles to overcome. 

Pauline, who graduated with a Grade-Point Average (GPA) of 4.32 of 5.0, expressed frustration about the UCU graduation signature clearance process. One expensive journey back and forth to the Mukono campus was because an office from which she was supposed to get a signature was understaffed. When occupied, only one person dealt with all the graduates. 

Another challenge was an unexpected increase in cost for gowns and certificates of sh50,000 ($13) from July 2024 to October 2024. 

“It was difficult,” she said. “Sh450,000 ($119) is not easy to produce.” 

At that, Pauline shared how her pre-graduation work experience and the UCU Christian environment have been helpful since receiving her degree.  She has worked as a writing intern for the USA-based Uganda Partners NGO for 18 months.  Prior to graduation, she also was an intern for TotalEnergies EP Uganda, an oil and gas production and exploration company. With her interest in oil and gas, she hopes to retain her Total position to dive deeper in that sector over the next four years. This opportunity has given her a chance to dive into a different field and still apply her communications knowledge to write stories and interact with various people.

From UCU, Pauline carries on her reinforced faith in God, worktime adaptability and humility. All these have helped her to navigate work.

“Be still and know God,” she said.  “Remember that failure is not failure but rather a learning point. You can achieve everything you put your mind to, and never settle for mediocrity.” 

Kairanian Rooney – appreciates UCU friends and connections
Kairanian Rooney – appreciates UCU friends and connections

Kairanian Rooney (2024 Bachelor of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Design and Technology)
In his current position as a graduate engineer at Infra Consulting Services (ICS) Limited based in the United Kingdom, Kairanian is part of a team providing integrated planning, management and engineering services in the transport, property, environment and natural resources sector.

Like Pauline, Kairanian’s final days toward graduation were a bit hectic with frustrations about getting signatures from faculty not present and/or long lines. 

“The only signatures I got with ease were from the Guild President and the warden,” he said.

Unlike graduates from October who paid Sh450,000 ($119) for graduation gowns, Kairanian paid Sh400,000 ($105.85), which was the fee in July this year. 

“We moved to the tents, and I met up with some of my colleagues and friends and we did some catching up,” Kairanian said of graduation day. “After the graduation ceremony at campus, my dad and stepmother took me for lunch to celebrate the day. I later attended a friend’s graduation party in the evening.”

Currently, he appreciates the friends and connections he made at UCU and advises future graduates to cherish these connections. 

For future aspirations, Karanian, , who graduated with a GPA of 4.11 of 5.0, sees himself as an established registered engineer doing his masters’ degree and working at a big transportation project.

Kakooza Paul – ‘have fun, but do your best to excel’
Kakooza Paul – ‘have fun, but do your best to excel’

Kakooza Paul (2024 Bachelor of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Design and Technology)
Graduating in July 2023 with a GPA of 4.08 of 5.O,  Paul, unlike some of his peers, describes his graduation preparation journey as a smooth one. He credits this to his planning. He set apart a full 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. day to acquire signatures.

Financially speaking, Paul says that UCU being a private university, one must be ready for added costs so the Sh450,000 for the graduation gown did not come as a surprise to him.

“Graduation day was nice because of the people around that day,” said Paul, who described the ceremony as similar to finishing an exam and thinking about what to do next.

Paul is now working with Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA), a government agency that manages, develops and maintains Uganda’s national roads. Credit for the ease of his work goes to colleagues as well as UCU’s curriculum with communication skills and engineering knowledge.

His advice for current students: “Make friends…Have fun, but also do your best to excel in your studies. Have dreams… Thank God, your parents, guardians, lecturers and friends.”

Byaruhanga Francis - ‘hone future skills, and stay on top of data’
Byaruhanga Francis – ‘hone future skills, and stay on top of data’

Byaruhanga Francis (2024 Bachelor of Law, School of Law)
Currently working with KTA Advocates in the Technology, Media and Telecommunications/Intellectual Property and Sustainability Team, Byaruhanga Francis hopes to have a master’s degree and to be further established in his career over the next four years. 

“My family arrived quite early, we were driven to campus in an SUV,” he said of graduation day. “Among those present were my mom and dad, my youngest brother and my only sister. We celebrated with a sumptuous lunch and were joined by my close friends from the USA.”

At UCU, Francis had the opportunity to participate in unique co-curricular activities like the Inter University quiz last year. Such activities shaped his world view, improved his work ethic and leadership opportunities that enhanced his skills. 

“For future graduates, I’d advise them to embrace emerging fields of work such as AI, Space Law, Artificial Intelligence and Web 3,” he said.  “They need to hone future skills and stay on top of data such as in the Future of Jobs report by the World Economic Forum.” 

Christy Asiimwe with the Most Rev. Dr. Stephen Samuel Kaziimba Mugalu, Archbishop of Uganda and Bishop of Kampala – ‘grateful to God for his goodness to me’
Christy Asiimwe with the Most Rev. Dr. Stephen Samuel Kaziimba Mugalu, Archbishop of Uganda and Bishop of Kampala – ‘grateful to God for his goodness to me’

Christy Asiimwe (2024 Bachelor of Arts with Education, School of Education)
Topping the October 2024 graduating group with a CGPA of 4.80 of 5.0, Christy Asiimwe credits her success to God. She applies UCU virtues of Christ-centeredness, perseverance, integrity and professionalism as her take away from her three years at the university.

In addition to focusing on studies, Christy was part of the Honours college and the UCU writing centre. 

“With these, I will be able to support people as they become all God has called them to be, especially through engaging in education management and curriculum development studies and practice in the next few years,” said Christy. “I was exhausted after graduation, but really happy about how everything went and grateful to God for His goodness to me.” 

Lucky for her, she was already teaching English and Literature at Acorns International School before graduation so she had no worries about job hunting but rather got back into her busy teaching schedule.

Christy advises future graduates to enrich themselves with as many productive experiences from the university because the skills and character they develop are invaluable in the field of work.

”Having a personal relationship with God and living for Him is what binds everything together, making it possible for everyone to succeed,” she said. 


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Otim Douglas Tonny, July 2024 UCU Masters in Nursing graduate

UCU alum breaks barriers in nursing

Otim Douglas Tonny, July 2024 UCU Masters in Nursing graduate
Otim Douglas Tonny, July 2024 UCU Masters in Nursing graduate

By Pauline Luba
(second of four parts – UCU postgraduate focus)

“Men are doctors, while women are nurses.”

These words were told to Otim Douglas Tonny repeatedly as he worked as a nurse in Northern Uganda, working against a stereotype and stigmatization in the field of medicine.

Today, the 41-year-old Otim is not only a married father of four, but also a registered nurse with an ardent desire to care for others. 

A July 2024 graduate with a Masters in Nursing from Uganda Christian University (UCU), Otim has a 2008 diploma from Butabika School of Psychiatric Nursing and a 2016 Bachelor of Science of Nursing Science from Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST). 

Otim, a member of the Lango tribe from Northern Uganda’s Lira District, has a passion for caring for those with deep-seated issues in mental health, cancer and HIV/AIDS, among other chronic and non-chronic conditions. His desire to improve the health of others stemmed from a childhood punctuated with fear of kidnapping and lack of food related to the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) insurgency. 

“How you grow up may not define who you will be in life,” he said. 

Such is the story of Otim, who grew up within the Joseph Kony LRA (1986-2006) insurgency as well as the widespread food insecurity from Karamojong home raids. He often found himself on the run, sleeping in bushes and trying to stay alive. This was not easy for him and his large family.  His father, now a retired accountant, had two wives who produced a total of 18 children.

Despite obstacles, Otim met university admission requirements.  He attended Te-Lala Primary School, Kangai Senior Secondary School (O’ Level) and Amuca Seventh Day Adventist Secondary School (A’ Level) in Lira town before engaging in post-secondary studies. 

After completing the nursing program at Butabika, Otim worked in a clinic before being employed a year later in the Amuru district local government as a nursing officer in psychiatry. His other employment involved St. Mary’s Lacor Hospital, Gulu, where he was engaged in learning and helping patients with chronic illness; and with local government as a mental health officer and HIV/AIDS wellness worker with Lamwo Refugee Settlement.

With a new master’s degree, he has integrated significant knowledge into his work as a nurse and as a teaching assistant in Muni University in Arua City. For his master’s research project, Otim explored the effect of clinical coaching on the health worker’s knowledge, attitudes, and practice towards the use of the patient health questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) tool in HIV care at Atiak Health Centre IV in Amuru District, Northern Uganda.

“I chose this topic area after realizing that clients were having several challenges such as struggling mentally and physically after consumption of a drug,” Otim said.

His research addressed the importance of not rushing healthcare by medical personnel as well as the intense mental and physical effects of HIV and how these can be resolved. He noticed that several individuals with HIV struggled to live a normal life due to mental health challenges such as depression.

“I wanted to do an interventional study that would strengthen others,” said Otim, “I realized I can get a tool that teaches and supports nurses through training (clinical coaching) that would allow them room for learning, be independent and engaged.”

With the guidance of supervisors, Prof. Karen Drake and Dr. Faith Ssebuliba, Otim engaged in his postgraduate study that included use of a tool to recognise patients of mental health illness and depression. This questionnaire (PHQ-9 Tool) allows nurses to screen, diagnose, classify and monitor patients who have depression among other mental health issues, allowing better care and treatment. According to the research, the tool deepens healthcare worker understanding of depression assessment that leads to improved knowledge, practice, and attitude. 

Otim plans to do a similar study on a larger population and longer time frame with hopes to pursue a PhD in this area.


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Dr. Mushin Nsubuga, the new Executive Director of the Save the Mothers program

Nsubuga takes the helm at Save the Mothers

Dr. Mushin Nsubuga, the new Executive Director of the Save the Mothers program
Dr. Mushin Nsubuga, the new Executive Director of the Save the Mothers program

By Pauline Luba
Mushin Nsubuga spent a large part of his childhood with his grandmother, who was a nursing assistant. During the day, the grandmother would vend bananas and then turn to hospital work for the night shift. As such, the hospital environment had a lot of influence on Nsubuga’s future. It’s no wonder that he became a doctor.

At the time, Nsubuga’s mother was operating several businesses to earn a living for the family. His father was in Libya, studying Islam.  

Since Nsubuga’s grandmother professed the Christian faith, it is to the church that she took her grandson every Sunday, for worship at the Sunday school. No one, not even Nsubuga’s grandmother, ever imagined what that innocent act would have on Nsubuga, a Muslim, who eventually started professing the Christian faith.

Upon his father’s return from Libya, he sent his son away from home, protesting his change of faith. 

Dr. Mushin Nsubuga
Dr. Mushin Nsubuga

“I was chased away from home for owning a Bible,” said Nsubuga, who is married, with four biological children, and another in the process of being adopted. “My father could not accept my new religion,” 

Eventually, Nsubuga returned home, but a cold relationship with his father would continue, until he was 18 years. It was at that time that Nsubuga’s dad came to terms with his son’s new faith. To date, Nsubuga is a Christian. He thanks his now-deceased grandmother for taking him to Sunday school and deepening his relationship with Christ.

And it’s not just Christianity that remains engraved in Nsubuga. From what he witnessed at hospital, Nsubuga desired to be a health professional. Currently, he is a gynecologist and was early this year appointed the Executive Director of Save the Mothers East Africa.

Save the Mothers was created when Dr. Jean Chamberlain Froese, a Canadian obstetrician/ gynecologist, was confronted with mothers in need. As a volunteer with the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada and the Association of Obstetricians of Uganda, she discovered many of the causes of maternal death went far beyond medical barriers.

As a result, Dr. Froese worked with Ugandan colleagues — Dr. Florence Mirembe, Dr. Pius Okong, and Olive Sentumbwe- Mugisa — and founded Save the Mothers (STM). In 2005, STM launched its first program, Master of Public Health Leadership, at Uganda Christian University (UCU).

Nsubuga’s interest in maternal and child health, as well as the decision to specialize in obstetrics, came from his encounter with patients during his internships as a student. He says he witnessed some expectant women failing to buy delivery kits that they were expected to turn up with in hospital as they went into labor. Resources were so scarce at the hospital that women were often asked to buy gloves for the delivery of their babies, an option few could afford.

One day, Nsubuga remembers a woman walking into the health facility with no gloves, and no money. He says he and his colleagues raised funds to ensure a safe delivery for the woman. 

Nsubuga delivered countless mothers of their babies while still in Gulu, and he says it broke his heart how much suffering some women had to go through at that time. This prompted him to specialize in obstetrics, to get a chance to permanently help expectant women as a profession.

He believes God’s grace even favoured him as he highly passed the obstetrics course without much challenge during his studies.

He attended Nakivubo Blue Primary School, Katikamu High School for O’level and Merryland High School for A’level. All the three schools are located in central Uganda. He then proceeded to Gulu University in northern Uganda for his Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery and then for Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Makerere University.

After his undergraduate studies, Nsubuga returned to Gulu, to work in Kiwoko Hospital. While there, he says he saw many women facing challenges, with some in financial distress and others dying. One specific one stuck in his mind — a 16-year-old girl who was trying to give birth, but lost her life. 

He initially didn’t think of joining Save the Mothers. However, after hearing about the search for a new executive director, he realized that to create a big impact in saving mothers, women and babies in the community, he would not be able to do it alone. One doctor can only save one patient at a time, but together with Save the Mothers, he believed that more could be done.

Nsubuga, who also works at C-Care Medical and International Diagnostic Centre in Kampala, applied for the position of Executive Director at Save the Mothers and got the job in February this year.

His task is to help the organization to stop mothers and children from dying through multidisciplinary training of individuals and to promote the safety of women in hospitals.

Currently, under his leadership, a stronger alumni network is being established, especially following the alumni meeting in May 2024, higher quality facilities are being provided to people in the postgraduate program and several projects are being implemented to help the organization realize its goals. 

When not doing work at Save the Mothers, Nsubuga is working at C Care Medical and International Diagnostic Centre in Kampala.


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Victoria Nantambi

‘We only treat… it’s God who heals’

Victoria Nantambi
Victoria Nantambi

By Irene Best Nyapendi
The first time Victoria Nantambi had a ward round, she was with a team of three other nurses. Together, they were entrusted with the task of treating an elderly woman who was suffering from a lung infection.

The woman also had an open ulcer. Although this was Nantambi’s first time working in a hospital, she did her best to help the woman. By evening, the patient’s condition had improved. 

At 4 p.m. Nantambi, a final-year student pursuing a Bachelor of Nursing Science at Uganda Christian University (UCU), happily went home. When she returned the following day, she eagerly inquired about the status of her patient. The bed was empty. The patient had died. 

“The death of my patient struck me, but also taught me that we only treat, and it’s God who heals,” she said. “We do our best to save lives, but the outcomes are not ours to determine.”

For such experiences, Nantambi says: “Nursing keeps me on my toes and that’s what I love about it.”

She says in order for students to garner as much experience as possible, they are always on the move, visiting different hospitals to get a feel of the operations there. 

When it comes time for clinical rotations, they go to the hospital with objectives to achieve while applying the theory they learned in class. While there, they are supervised and have responsibilities dictated by their course unit and objectives.

Nantambi’s recent clinical practice at Mukono General Hospital was on safe motherhood and maternal health. She was tasked with assisting mothers in the labor suite, antenatal and postnatal wards.

However, she feared helping HIV-positive mothers to deliver because of the risk of infection.

On one of her days at Mukono General Hospital, they received an emergency. She quickly prepared the necessary equipment to assist the mother in delivering. During the process, the mother gushed out a lot of amniotic fluid, but Nantambi continued with the delivery process, albeit cautiously. It was after the delivery, that she checked the mother’s antenatal card and discovered that she was HIV-positive. 

“I was worried about contracting HIV due to her excessive discharge,” Nantambi said. “However, I tested negative and the experience helped me know more about HIV.” 

HIV/AIDS (human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is passed on through blood, semen, vaginal fluid, anal mucus and breast milk and only outside the body if the uninfected person has broken skin.  At that, such person-to-person transmission is rare. 

For the days she works in the labor suite, Nantambi starts by cleaning the area, then assesses the condition of the women in labor, as well as assisting during delivery.

“Working in the labor suite has taught me that patients’ lives depend on the nurses. We have to be fully alert and attentive,” Nantambi said.

After spending the day attending to patients’ needs, scrutinizing and administering medications, conferring with senior nurses, she finally gets to report to the nurse in charge before she retires for the day. 

One of the most rewarding experiences for her is witnessing the recovery of her patients, and subsequently receiving expressions of gratitude from them. Nursing involves touching lives. It gives Nantambi immense joy when her patients call to thank her for treating them. 


Erick Rwamurenzi
Erick Rwamurenzi

Erick Rwamurenzi
When Rwamurenzi, a UCU student of Bachelor of Nursing Science, was 17, he got an injury while playing football. He said at the hospital, the nurse seemed too afraid to work on him that he wondered if she treated all patients the same way. This experience ignited a passion in him to care for patients.

“I prayed to God to help me become the person that will help people,” he says. 

Rwamurenzi and his colleague nursing students reach the hospital by 8 a.m. and start their day with ward rounds and drug administration, and, later, post-conference discussions to share experiences and discuss what they saw in the wards. 

During one of his days in the hospital, he attended to a 35-year-old woman who had been pregnant nine times, but had only given birth to five babies at full term. The rest were miscarriages. The day before, she had undergone a cesarean section, but due to strong uterine contractions, she experienced a severe uterine rupture that resulted in the loss of her uterus. Unfortunately, she was also HIV-positive, epileptic, and had lost her husband only a month before. 

Despite her condition, Rwamurenzi did his best to save both the mother and the baby. He administered fluids, antibiotics, and offered psychological support. He monitored them and was happy to see them improve and be discharged from the hospital.

The most satisfying part of being a nursing student, according to the 27-year-old, is when he helps patients heal and they call to say thank you. The other part is the amount of assistance they get from the nursing administration that helps them find their footing in the hospital operations.

Rwamurenzi narrates that one of the challenges he has faced as a nursing student is when some senior health professionals on the wards do not want to engage with them in the name of being busy. However, he notes that clinical practices are vital as they provide nursing skills and enable them to familiarize with the hospital environment. 


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Lekobwamu Mukyelule - Theology Student

UCU students, staff share perspectives on Lent

By Bena Nekesa
As the campus of Uganda Christian University (UCU) prepared for the February 14 to March 28, 2024, period of Lent, students and staff alike acknowledged the spiritual and academic benefits that this season offers. Lent, a 40-day period preceding Easter, holds deep meaning for many within the university community. 

Lent is observed in many Christian churches as a time to commemorate the last week of Jesus’ life, his suffering (passion) and his death through various observances and services of worship. For UCU, a Christian institution established by the Church of Uganda in 1997, Lent is a time designed to be honored with prayers, fasting, and self-denial, all in the pursuit of drawing closer to God. 

During Lent, the Mukono campus of UCU reinforces reverence. For many individuals, Lent is not merely a tradition but a transformative journey. It is a time to purify the soul, deepen faith, and cultivate discipline both spiritually and academically. 

In 2024, six UCU students and faculty shared their perspectives and insights on the impact of Lent on their lives. Perspectives below reflect spiritual devotion and academic dedication, embodying the holistic approach to education and faith at UCU.

Lekobwamu Mukyelule - Theology Student
Lekobwamu Mukyelule – Theology Student

Lent, for Lekobwamu, is a time of solemn reflection and discipline. He views it as an opportunity to purify the soul’s desires towards divine beauty and truth through prayer and fasting, mirroring Jesus’ own fast in the Wilderness. In his eyes, Lent embodies spiritual growth, sacrifice, and generosity, echoing Romans 12:1. (So then, my friends, because of God’s great mercy to us, I appeal to you: Offer yourselves as a living sacrifice to God, dedicated to his service and pleasing to him. This is the true worship that you should offer.)

Dorothy Cherop - Theology Student
Dorothy Cherop – Theology Student

Dorothy finds Lent spiritually enriching, allowing her more time for Bible study, church services and even mission work. Academically, the period fosters concentration on coursework and group discussions, illustrating the balance between spiritual and academic pursuits.

Martin Kajubi - Writing and Study Skills Teacher
Martin Kajubi – Writing and Study Skills Teacher

Martin emphasizes Lent’s role in fostering spiritual discipline through fasting, drawing parallels with Isaiah 58:6. (The kind of fasting I want is this: Remove the chains of oppression and the yoke of injustice, and let the oppressed free,). He sees Lent as a dedicated period for self-reflection, repentance, and spiritual growth, leading to improved focus and discipline academically. The resilience cultivated during Lent aids in overcoming academic challenges, aligning with Proverbs 16:3.(Ask the LORD to bless your plans, and you will be successful in carrying them out.)

Harriet Asiimwe - Chaplain
Harriet Asiimwe – Chaplain

Harriet highlights Lent’s significance in drawing closer to God, citing Matthew 17:21.(How be it this kind goeth not out by prayer and fasting). She sees Lent as a time for spiritual battles, overcoming temptations and seeking renewal. Academically, Lent provides a platform for interdisciplinary exploration, stimulating critical thinking about faith and society.

Derrick Wepondi - Higher Education Certificate Student
Derrick Wepondi – Higher Education Certificate Student

Derrick explains Lent as a period of fasting, reflection, and spiritual preparation, drawing individuals closer to God and rejuvenating the spirit. Academically, Lent fosters self-discipline, aiding in gaining mastery over desires and habits, echoing the sentiments of 1 Corinthians 9:27.(I harden my body with blows and bring it under complete control, to keep myself from being disqualified after having called others to the contest.).

Ayikoru Scovia - Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition and Dietetics (BSHND) Student
Ayikoru Scovia – Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition and Dietetics (BSHND) Student

Scovia values Lent for its emphasis on self-reflection, repentance, and spiritual growth. She sees Lent as an opportunity to deepen faith through prayers and acts of charity, leading to improved study habits and reduced stress academically.

Whether reflections, wisdom or the experiences, Lent at UCU is designed to be a season of growth, renewal and unwavering faith. As students and faculty  embrace this sacred time, they carry with them the hope of spiritual and academic excellence, echoing the sentiments of Matthew 6:21 – “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”


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Rev. Brian Kluth demonstrating how the solar lamps work

Solar lamp gifts transform lives of UCU students

Rev. Brian Kluth demonstrating how the solar lamps work
Rev. Brian Kluth demonstrating how the solar lamps work

By Irene Best Nyapendi
Whenever there is a power blackout in Mukono town, it affects the hostel where Diana Nakiyemba lives. As a result, the only option the fourth-year student of Bachelor of Laws at Uganda Christian University (UCU) had was traveling back to the main campus, so she can access electricity light to read her books.

Diana Nakiyemba poses with her solar lamp.
Diana Nakiyemba poses with her solar lamp.

And she would not be alone. Nakiyemba, whose hostel of residence is hundreds of meters away from the university, says she often returned to the campus to get light for reading with a group of friends. There were days they would stay on campus up to midnight, reading. Some of such evenings were those the night before they wrote exams.

However, it is now safe to say such scenarios are a thing of the past for many at UCU. Nakiyemba and a group of other UCU community members are recent recipients of solar lamps donated to them by Brian Kluth, an American missionary. Kluth, a Christian speaker and writer, was at UCU as a guest preacher during the university’s Mission Week in mid-February. 

The Mission Week is dedicated to spreading the message of Christ both on and off campus. Spearheaded by the UCU chaplaincy, the Week is intended to foster spiritual growth and community outreach through a series of impactful initiatives.

Rev. Brian Kluth with recipients of the solar lamps
Rev. Brian Kluth with recipients of the solar lamps

One of the highlights of the Mission Week was the “Share the Light” event, where Kluth donated solar-powered lamps to more than 600 people who attended his talk. Kluth, known for his teachings on faith, delivered a sermon on the importance of generosity in Christian living. 

Kluth said he was able to distribute the solar lamps after an unexpected encounter with a generous donor, who entrusted him with $40,000, which he was asked to use to bless others.

“Many people are hesitant to give because they fail to recognize the blessings that come from generosity,” Kluth said during his sermon.

The congregation during one of the services during the Mission Week
The congregation during one of the services during the Mission Week

For the solar-powered lamp that Nakiyemba received, she is already reaping the benefits: Recently, she overcame her hostel power blackout to finish a class presentation. She turned to her newfound lifeline, the solar lamp, which she used as light to help her get her assignment  ready.

“For as long as we have the lamps, I doubt we shall ever stay on campus till late in the night again,” she said.

Nathanael Simbilyabo, a final-year student pursuing a Bachelor of Journalism, Media and Communication at UCU, said he had never imagined the challenges that awaited him when he started staying in a private hostel outside the university. Simbilyabo had previously been living in a university hostel, which had access to a standby generator, to provide power whenever there was a blackout.

“Living without light is hard,” Simbilyabo said, adding: “This solar lamp has helped me, especially now that I’m writing my research dissertation.”

Some of the missioners who preached the gospel during mission week
Some of the missioners who preached the gospel during mission week

Victoria Nantambi, a final-year student pursuing a Bachelor of Nursing Science at UCU, says she cherishes reading late in the night. And that cannot be supported by the unpredictable electricity power supply. So, whenever there was a power blackout, she would just abandon reading and go to bed. However, that is not happening anymore as she now takes advantage of the light from the solar-powered lamps whenever there is a blackout in her hostel.

The Rev. Henry Majwala, the Assistant Chaplain at UCU, explained that the intention of the Mission Week is to guide new students in their journey with Christ while providing opportunities for spiritual renewal and discipleship.

“Mission Week is about making Christ known, nurturing spiritual growth, and serving the community,” Majwala said. 

Central to this semester’s theme of “Living by Faith,” derived from Habakkuk 2:4 were sermons on the role of faith in personal growth, financial stewardship and servant leadership.


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Pamela Tumwebaze addressing people in Nkoyoyo Hall.

Pamela Tumwebaze: From UCU student to Director of Student Affairs

Pamela Tumwebaze addressing people in Nkoyoyo Hall.
Pamela Tumwebaze addressing people in Nkoyoyo Hall.

By Kefa Senoga
When Pamela Tumwebaze joined the three-year-old Uganda Christian University (UCU) in 2000 as an undergraduate student, neither she nor the institution envisioned that it was the start of what would become nearly two decades of a symbiotic relationship.

In the 21 years since Tumwebaze completed her undergraduate course at UCU in 2003, she has worked both for UCU and other organizations beyond the university. The farther she moved away from UCU, however, the harder her heart beat for her to return to her alma mater. 

When she left the country for a teaching job in Rwanda, she was there for just two years. When she went farther to Tanzania for yet another teaching job, it was not for more than one year.

Tumwebaze during one of the Honors College mentorship programs.
Tumwebaze during one of the Honors College mentorship programs.

Tumwebaze eventually returned home, but was still hesitant to return to UCU. As such, she got a job in a non-governmental organization, but that was not for long, until she returned to her home, UCU. Today, she is the university’s new Director of Students Affairs (DOSA).

Tumwebaze recalls that in 2003, after attaining her Bachelor of Arts with Education from UCU, she took a job as a tutorial assistant in the Faculty of Education. Thereafter, she pursued a Master of Arts in Literature at UCU. She is currently completing another master’s degree, MA Strategic Communication at UCU.

At the university, she has served in the positions of teaching assistant, administrative assistant, Executive Assistant to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic Affairs, Executive Officer to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Finance and Administration and the Head of the Honors College, a role she currently juggles with being DOSA, a position she has held for three months now. 

As DOSA, Tumwebaze says she has to serve all the students in the university, as opposed to the job at Honors College, where it’s just a select few of the university’s top students. The Honors College, whose concept is borrowed from the Dutch and American universities, admits only the institution’s crème de la crème students from the different faculties. 

Applicants must have at least a 4.0 Cumulative Grade-Point Average out of 5.0 to be enrolled to the college that offers talented students the opportunity to tap on their mettle through an extra certificate-program, alongside the regular bachelor’s degree course. 

Tumwebaze says she enjoys working and guiding young people who are still going through formation. “I love to see them become adults, I also love the chaos that comes with being young because I guess it says much about them,” she notes.

“Being DOSA means looking at probably a 20-year-old troublesome young adult. But five or more years from now, that 20-year-old may be a CEO or a big-name journalist; so, what can we do now to make sure that they become that?” Tumwebaze asks. 

As a mother, Tumwebaze views students as children, she understands that each child has weaknesses and uniquenesses and that there is something about each of them that needs to be groomed into something better. She is a mother of two boys and is married to Alexander Matsiko whom she met at UCU.

“As the older generation, we have the burden of putting things into perspective for the younger generation; if we don’t focus on that then we could lose the next generation,” Tumwebaze warns. 

She notes that her job as DOSA requires a skill set that comes with having an open mind because “everyday has its own shocks.”

Tumwebaze comes from a large family in Mbarara, a district in western Uganda. She attended St. Helens Primary School Mbarara for her primary education and Kyeizooba Girls Secondary School in Bushenyi district for her secondary education. From Kyeizooba, she joined UCU for her undergraduate course.


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Craig Hammon presenting at a school in Kenya in July 2023.

‘Helping people less fortunate is the reason for living’

Craig Hammon presenting at a school in Kenya in July 2023.
Craig Hammon presenting at a school in Kenya in July 2023.

By Patty Huston-Holm
When Americans think of philanthropy, the names of Warren Buffet and Bill and Melinda Gates with their causes of alleviating hunger and healing the sick frequently come to mind.  

Believers in Christ might overlook Him until remembering the many Biblical stories (John 4 woman at the well, etc.) and scriptures (Jesus’s advice to “give freely” per Luke and Matthew and Acts 10 about doing good, among others). Jesus Christ is the son of God, savior of human sin and, yes, a philanthropist. 

Then, there is Craig Hammon, who lives with his wife in the small coastal town of Essex, Ma. – just minutes away from their three daughters who have the titles of teacher, therapist and treasurer with five children ages 6 to 19. In addition to his titles of husband, father and grandfather, Hammon has been vice president of CURE, a nonprofit network of children’s hospitals; vice president of Christian colleges in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts; and head of development for the World Vision humanitarian aid organization. 

Hammon, 78, is a philanthropist.  More specifically, he consults about where to give and why. Over the years, he has advised many about responsible giving.  Among beneficiaries of those gifts is Uganda Christian University (UCU).  Among the givers is the Tennessee-based, Westwood Endowment, where Hammon was affiliated until all funds were expended at the end of 2021. Westwood provided UCU’s nursing program with $275,000 over 12 years. 

“In 2024, the UCU nursing program marks 20 years,” said Mark Bartels, executive director of Uganda Partners. “This seemed an appropriate time to recognize the generous donations of Westwood, where Craig was a trustee.”

In addition to Hammon, Thomas H. McCallie III and the late Richard A. West played leadership roles with Westwood since it founding in 1987.  Hammon, who has philanthropy consulting affiliations for various health-and-education-related entities, recalled a 2009 meeting at UCU where he was convinced that nursing education was a good investment of Westwood funds. Doug Fountain, formerly involved in UCU health sciences and finance and now executive director of Christian Connections for International Health, was at that meeting in Mukono, Uganda. The idea of nursing was developed by former UCU Vice Chancellor John Senyonyi and officials at Bethel University (Minnesota).

“Doug and some folks from Bethel University said they wanted to develop a transformative nursing school to undergird health care in Uganda,” Hammon said. “It felt right.”

Fountain recalled that “Westwood showed up ready to help” current and future nurses who had a passion to positively impact Uganda’s health care while “struggling to figure out how to pay.” He added that Westwood filled that nurse and nurse education gap with finances and  “the encouragement and support that lasted years.”

A dozen years of grants for UCU equipment and training nurses from midwifery to bachelor, master and doctoral degrees was aligned with Westwood’s Christian focus and other education and health care initiatives. From the start, Hammon saw that UCU had the need and accountability in place to make use of funds as he had observed in his affiliation with CURE International, a Christian nonprofit organization that owns and operates eight charitable children’s hospitals around the world.

“There is a terrible crisis in health care – lack of supplies and equipment and inadequately trained staff,” he said. “Things are improving. In 1988 around the world,  35,000 kids a day were dying of preventable diseases; now it’s 19,000 a day. Nurses are key.” 

In his 50 trips to Africa, including 15 times each to Kenya and Uganda, he has observed the worst (malaria, children living in slums, “families cooking food outside for hospital patients inside”) and the best, including a neurosurgical hospital in Mbale. 

“I’m focused on people and places with solutions to help the least and the lost,” Hammon said. “I don’t have a medical background, but my 35 years of fundraising provides me the insight into where donations are best used.  UCU nursing is one of those areas.”

Semi-retired since 2010, Hammon works part-time, consulting various foundations on where their funds can best be placed. His role, sometimes called development, is one of seeing people “caring deeply and passionately about a cause and giving them an opportunity to impact needs.”

“Advocating for and helping people less fortunate than yourself is the reason for living,” he said. “Philanthropy is not engagement only for the wealthy, but for all who have an  altruistic desire to improve human welfare. As believers, we find out what God is doing and become part of it.”

The terms charity and philanthropy are often used interchangeably with both related to money or talent or both. Differences are associated to length and consistency of giving. Charity tends to be an emotional impulse to an immediate, often short-term, crisis situation. Philanthropy addresses the root cause of social issues and requires a more strategic, long-term engagement.  At that, many of the world’s 260,000 philanthropic foundations help highly esteemed entities, such as noted universities. 

According to Philanthropy Tracker 2023, United States citizens surveyed over 10 years through 2018, 61% reported donating to charity and 42% said they volunteered time to an organization. Education and health are the most supported causes. 

“There was a time when I helped support five liberal arts colleges in the USA,” Hammon said. “It was a good investment.  But faith-based relief for East Africa is a better focus to serve the least and the lost and to enable them to serve themselves.”  

Regarding the UCU contribution, Hammon said he was “blown away” by the passion, qualifications and leadership.  The scholarship funding not only provided nursing credentials for individuals but knowledge and skill to improve communities.

 “The key is not sending doctors or medical teams somewhere, but training local people to be as good as they can be to do the work where they live,” he said. “With support, they have the ability to help themselves.” 

The 1,850 small and large contributors to the Uganda Partners organization since its inception 23 years ago have subscribed to this belief, according to Bartels.  The current donors of various levels number 1,000.  

“They understand the outreach and impact for a developing country like Uganda and the value of a Christ-centered learning environment,” he said. “We value all levels of giving.”  

Hammon said none of the benefactors he has represented has “expressed regret.” He said, “Once you’ve seen the need, you can’t turn your back.”

“The story isn’t about me,” Hammon said at the end of the late November interview. “It’s about everybody who gives.”


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Dr. Elizabeth Namukombe Ekong and Dr. Faith Rosemary Sebuliba Kasumba are among the UCU nurse teaching staff

Why an advanced degree in nursing? Two UCU PhDs share

Dr. Elizabeth Namukombe Ekong and Dr. Faith Rosemary Sebuliba Kasumba are among the UCU nurse teaching staff
Dr. Elizabeth Namukombe Ekong and Dr. Faith Rosemary Sebuliba Kasumba are among the UCU nurse teaching staff

By Patty Huston-Holm
Uganda Christian University’s (UCU) two lecturers with PhDs in nursing have reasons for their academic journeys not unlike those acquiring advanced degrees in other career fields. The passion for learning often starts with an interest through role model observations followed by personal growth and then understanding and application of how additional knowledge and skill improve people, organizations and systems.  

This is especially true in health care, according to Dr. Elizabeth Namukombe Ekong and Dr. Faith Rosemary Sebuliba Kasumba. They hold a half dozen each of nursing credentials including master’s degrees from UCU and doctoral degrees from other countries. They teach students pursuing bachelor’s and master’s degrees under the UCU Faculty of Public Health, Nursing and Midwifery.  

Dr. Karen Drake of Bethel University, center, with UCU’s two lecturers with PhDs in nursing
Dr. Karen Drake of Bethel University, center, with UCU’s two lecturers with PhDs in nursing

“At the bachelor’s level, you are learning how you can improve yourself,” Elizabeth said. “At the master’s level, you enhance that while knowing more about policies and practices. With a PhD, you go deeper in questioning to solve problems, improve health, save more lives.”

Acquisition of these capabilities is especially critical for nurses and even more so for developing countries like Uganda.  The World Health Organization reports the 27.9 million nurses globally reflects a shortage of 13 million nurses. According to the World Bank, there are 1.6 nurses and midwives per 1,000 people in Uganda, compared to nearly 12 per 1,000 in the United States. 

On a July 31, 2023, morning when UCU nursing students were on a full break from classes or engaged in practical experiences, the university’s two nursing PhD holders shared their recollections about early experiences with health care that led them along their career paths. They elaborated on the value of advanced degrees in nursing. 

Faith and Elizabeth received their doctoral degrees from Texila American University (Guyana,  South America) and the University of Central Nicaragua, respectively.  Both are married to medical doctors.  Dr. Thomas Sebuliba has been the husband of Faith for 34 of his 37 years as a practicing physician; they have three children.  Elizabeth likewise has three children with Dr. Ekong Joseph, who has been a doctor for 18 of their 24 years of marriage. The husbands had some influence on the wives’ advancement in nursing but not all, especially at the onset.  

For Faith, her health care interest can be pinpointed to an injured ear at age five when living in the Fort Portal, western Uganda region.  

“I pricked my ear,” she recalled of how she tried to imitate adults cleaning their ears with match sticks. “My siblings and I dared each other to see who could go the deepest, and I won.”

The damage put Faith in a hospital, now known as Mulago National Referral Hospital in Kampala, for two months. During a series of surgeries leading to full recovery, she was surrounded by caring, nurturing nurses. It was them as well as a “retired nursing officer” cousin who started her direction to become a nurse. 

On the opposite side of the country, Elizabeth was likewise young and watching happenings around a health facility in eastern Uganda’s Kamuli District. 

“I was fascinated to see people go in a place sick and come out well,” she said. “I was surprised that somebody could identify your problem and help you get better…By the time I  was in secondary school, I was looking for a profession where I could do that.” 

When considering higher education options and given the choice between being a doctor or nurse, Elizabeth and Faith chose nursing that would allow them closer contact with patients. While their education journeys after high school are roughly eight years apart, both Elizabeth and Faith started out as midwives – an occupation in 2023 that, according to the Uganda Nurses and Midwives Council chaired by Elizabeth, is occupied by around 70,000 men and women. 

“To smile at a baby was pure joy,” Elizabeth said of her midwifery practice at Mulago. “I’m still passionate about newborns and identifying and helping mothers at risk.” 

While helping mothers deliver their babies, Elizabeth and Faith worked at deepening their health care knowledge with the growing realization of the need to pass on what they learned. They began to understand the value in stretching the knowledge and curiosity of the next generation of nurses in their country.

“Until 1993, nurses were only at the diploma level here,” Faith said. That year, she recalled, Makerere University started a bachelor of nursing program that interested her but she couldn’t begin because of child rearing responsibilities while her husband was getting surgical training in Zimbabwe. She got a couple more diplomas before getting her bachelor’s degree at UCU in 2007. 

Elizabeth, who got her UCU Bachelor of Nursing Science in 2008, also started to see the importance of teaching others while continuing her own learning. Like Faith, she worked her way up from tutor to lecturer. As teachers, they share both the academic and practical sides of nursing. 

“I’ve seen a critically ill person, not able to talk or open the eyes and then functioning after treatment,” Elizabeth said. “As I am enlightened with deeper understanding and ownership, I pass that on  to students.”

Faith and Elizabeth cite Dr. Karen Drake, emeritus professor of nursing, Bethel University (St. Paul, Minn.), as their mentor. Karen, who holds a PhD in educational policy and administration, has been a practicing nurse since 1968, including at the side of her late husband in East Africa; as well as a nurse educator at UCU for more than a decade.  

The difference among bachelor, masters and doctoral degrees is primarily critical thinking and problem solving, according to the two UCU nursing doctoral holders.  Those with undergraduate degrees are primarily applying what they have been told while those with advanced degrees are more likely to keep questioning. 

“Many times, people say the PhD is for the sake of self-actualization,” Elizabeth said. “I don’t see it that way.  I see it about more help for the patient, better services, improved policies and processes.” 

For Faith, her advanced degree has reinforced the “importance of collaboration for change” with increased confidence and a “spirit of inquiry.” One area in need of louder,  more informed voices is  mental health that is “highly stigmatized” in an ill-informed East African culture that may label mentally ill people as “possessed,” she said. 

In addition to what their advanced degrees offer for their students, Faith and Elizabeth are frequently at the table for policy and research discussions and conference presentations. Topics have included early postnatal care improvements, work-based learning, menstrual hygiene among adolescents and technology learning and application.

“We need to have nurse leaders at various levels,” Elizabeth said. 

In addition to their on-paper credentials and reputations as esteemed lecturers and nurse practitioners, Christian walk is critical to UCU’s two PhD holders. 

“God has called me to do this,” Elizabeth said. “My model is Jesus Christ.”

“It’s a calling,” Faith concurred, admitting that she initially didn’t want to teach but a higher power nudged her there. “When I feel almost like giving up, I know who is my strength. God is my strong foundation.” 


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Some girls who the Rev. Richard Mulindwa helped locally with food security

‘If you’re hungry, you can’t learn’

Some girls who the Rev. Richard Mulindwa helped locally with food security
Some girls who the Rev. Richard Mulindwa helped locally with food security

By Patty Huston-Holm
Hungry people dive into trash bins for discarded food that cats, dogs and birds pick over. They climb trees for fruit half-eaten by monkeys. They steal. They drink dirty water.  They exhibit anger, hopelessness and desperation. 

“You’ll do anything for a soda,” the Rev. Richard Mulindwa, coordinator of the Uganda Christian University (UCU) Church Relations Office, said, adding, “Prayer is important, but if you’re hungry, you can’t listen, and you can’t learn.”  

The World Health Organization Global Hunger Index ranks Uganda at 41.4%, which means that more than 4 of 10 people living in the country are not able to meet minimum calorie  requirements. They are in need of prayer, Mulindwa agrees, but they need more.

You can’t begin a discussion about God when someone is hungry,” he said.

Rev. Richard Mulindwa
Rev. Richard Mulindwa

Mulindwa’s UCU Church Relations job includes teaching other pastors about delivering God’s message through technology, understanding land issues and awareness of food – the lack of it.  Among many biblical reminders of the value of proper nutrition are that Jesus fed the disciples before teaching them and in Matthew 25:35-40  that says, in part, “For I was hungry…You gave me something to eat.” 

For a half dozen years, Mulindwa, now an Anglican priest, has been practicing what he preaches about food. It started with a few visits carrying porridge for empty stomachs followed by an officially established Community-Based Organization (CBO) focused on bringing seeds to help people grow their own food. The CBO, with registration now lapsed, was named Tessa Community Development Initiative.  Tessa is borrowed from Kuteesa (meaning “dialogue” in Luganda), which is the name of Mulindwa’s first-born son, now age 12. 

“I plant alongside them,” he said of the visits he continues. “It’s amazing to see how a family can be transformed with a little help, love and support.”

Feminine hygiene, an increasingly common focus on teaching adolescent girls how to replace the rags and old newspapers they use with reusable pads during their menstrual cycles, is part of the initiative.  In African culture, often blood is “taboo” and sex education for boys and girls is nearly non-existent, according to Mulindwa. 

“There are seven girls in one location I visit now who are HIV positive and need special diets,” he said. “That’s food insecurity.”

Likewise and sadly, it’s food insecurity when girls bargain their bodies for it.  

At the same time, the bigger umbrella is what Mulindwa calls “famine hygiene” impacting men, women and children of all ages. Famine can result in starvation, malnutrition, disease and even death. 

Mulindwa, an orphan whose parents died when he was 12 and who lived on the streets for  sometime when an aging grandmother was unable to support him, has first-hand experience with food deprivation and how he was pulled out of it. At age 17, he was taken in by an Anglican priest who “loved me, fed me, got me back in school.”  Two priests, in fact, supported Mulindwa in his late teens to early 20s.

“God spared my life,” he said.  “I was determined to give back.”

The positive influence of the two priests, Rev. Capt. Titus Baraka (Director of Words of Hope ministries) and now the Most Reverend Stephen Kaziimba, the Church of Uganda archbishop, are part of the Mulindwa journey into theology and formation.  Mulindwa’s theological path is paved with multiple careers, which is a slow-growing trend among East African pastors seeing the added value of non-religious professional experiences.

Mulindwa’s undergraduate degree in development studies is from Kyambogo University. He has master’s degrees in public health and leadership (Faculty of Public Health, Nursing and Midwifery/Save the Mothers) and Master of divinity (Bishop Tucker School of Divinity and Theology) from UCU.  He’s finishing his PhD in religious studies from the University of Pretoria, South Africa. 

“Relating to people in multiple ways is an important part of bringing someone to Christ,” he said. “Churches don’t lack theologians; they lack other professionals.” 

For Mulindwa, his profession in development enabled him to hone skills in grant writing while seeing further the needs for those funds . His passion in the Save the Mothers program connects to how his mom died from pregnancy preeclampsia (blood pressure condition), robbing him of a mother and a sibling. It was a condition that could have been resolved with better health care resources. 

“Sixteen mothers die each day in Uganda from maternal related issues,” he said. “These are preventable issues.”

While recognizing multiple needs, Mulindwa, a married father of four, circles everything back to food. 

“All that I studied now makes sense to me,” he said. “I realize there are so many people making mistakes because they lack food. I am grateful that God is using me not in narrow, expected ways, but in multiple ways.” 


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Dr. Jessica Nsungwa (left), the health ministry’s commissioner maternal and child health, with Dr. Miriam Mutabazi, dean of the UCU Faculty of Public Health, Nursing & Midwifery, during the Save the Mothers annual conference at UCU on May 5, 2023.

UCU Save the Mothers conference calls for prioritizing of safe motherhood

Dr. Jessica Nsungwa (left), the health ministry’s commissioner maternal and child health, with Dr. Miriam Mutabazi, dean of the UCU Faculty of Public Health, Nursing & Midwifery, during the Save the Mothers annual conference at UCU on May 5, 2023.
Dr. Jessica Nsungwa (left), the health ministry’s commissioner maternal and child health, with Dr. Miriam Mutabazi, dean of the UCU Faculty of Public Health, Nursing & Midwifery, during the Save the Mothers annual conference at UCU on May 5, 2023.

By Irene Best Nyapendi
While strides have been made in reduction of infant mortality,  prevalence of obstetric fistulas due to inadequate health care continues to be problematic, especially for developing countries and with the diminished number of health care workers since the Covid-19 pandemic. Obstetric fistula, in which there is a hole between the birth canal and bladder or rectum, is an ongoing problem in Uganda because of gaps in timely, high-quality medical care.

Prioritizing treatment for safe motherhood is critical, according to Dr. Jean Chamberlain, a Canadian obstetrician/gynecologist, who made the plea during the annual conference hosted by Save The Mothers (STM) Organisation, which Chamberlain co-founded. Under the theme, “Re-imagining Safe Motherhood Post-Pandemic,” she spoke at Uganda Christian University (UCU) on May 5.

Dr. Jean Chamberlain, founder of STM, speaks at the annual conference where she called for hiring of more health workers to support safe motherhood after suffering exits due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Dr. Jean Chamberlain, founder of STM, speaks at the annual conference where she called for hiring of more health workers to support safe motherhood after suffering exits due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Chamberlain argued that among all the world’s issues, safe motherhood should come to the top, especially in light of workforce loss and fatigue as a result of the pandemic.

“In the clinic where I work in Canada, we had around nine nurses at the beginning of the pandemic, but by the end of the pandemic, there was literally no nurse because all of the nurses left during the pandemic,” she said. “The challenge we are facing now is how to build the workforce again, looking for people who are really dedicated, who understand what they are doing and are qualified.”

Chamberlain emphasized the dire need to prioritize safe motherhood aligned with the STM vision: No mother or child should die from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. 

In support of the vision, STM started a Master of Public Health Leadership (MPHL) at UCU in 2005 with the aim of training multi-disciplinary professionals and improving maternal and child health in developing countries. Over 600 East African leaders have graduated to work towards overcoming preventable maternal and child death.

Chamberlain urged safe motherhood professionals to be pillar-people by being present, committed, reliable, steady and go the distance for the mothers so that when people look at them, they see people they can lean on.

“Two million people worldwide suffer from fistula, but no one hears about them because the power actors have been silent to date,” she said. “This is why as Save the Mothers, we need to be a voice for these mothers.”

Dr. Jessica Nsungwa Sabiiti, the commissioner for maternal and child health at the ministry of health, reported that most deaths registered are due to patient delays at healthcare facilities.

“Most mothers bleed a lot which is as a result of delaying to be attended to at these facilities,” Nsungwa said. “We have been pushing for four visits for antenatal care, but we want eight visits to help identify those with risks.”

According to Nsungwa, a lot of what they do depends on the number of  “champions” such as those trained through STM who can translate the information and be in the society to ensure that there is cohesion. Shesaid maternal mortality in the country has reduced from 18 to between 10 and 14 mothers a day since 2010.

Robie Kakonge, the Ambassador of Uganda to the USA and an alumnus of MPHL, appreciated her fellow alumni for the steady effort displayed towards positive change in safe motherhood. 

“At the embassy each week I get not less than two requests related to public health” with many wanting to  know how they can help, Kakonge said.

The executive director of Save the Mothers East Africa, Edward Mukooza, said their “Mother Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative” is now effective in 13 health facilities in Uganda. Under the initiative, STM graduates work with hospital administrators and staff in improving maternal and newborn services.

“We also have high dependence units currently in five hospitals to help manage complications to reduce maternity morbidity and mortality. Through such programs, we provide emergency medical funds to vulnerable mothers,” he said.


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Dr. Karen Drake, right, with her UCU friend and Tech Park housekeeper, Sylvia Uwera, in August 2022.

Karen Drake saves lives through teaching life savers

Dr. Karen Drake, right, with her UCU friend and Tech Park housekeeper, Sylvia Uwera, in August 2022.
Dr. Karen Drake, right, with her UCU friend and Tech Park housekeeper, Sylvia Uwera, in August 2022.

By Kefa Senoga
When two-year-old Karen relocated with her parents from the USA to Japan for missionary work, little did she know that that act was an initiation into her future life. 

Over the years, she has taught nurses in the USA and Africa on how to save lives. Dr. Karen Drake, a lecturer in the nursing programs at Uganda Christian University (UCU) and Bethel University in Minnesota, USA, has taught in the two institutions for the last two decades.

She describes her experience at UCU, where she has been lecturing since 2005, as marvelous. “I find teaching very rewarding and very fulfilling,” she says, noting that she’s impressed with the progress of some of her former students of the nursing program at UCU.  

Throughout Karen’s career as a lecturer, one of the key virtues people always mention is the special bond she has with her former Ugandan students. 

In October 2022, when she visited Uganda, her pioneer class at UCU organized a meet-up with her. “I listened to each one of them as they shared how they have progressed,” Karen said, adding: “One of them has completed a PhD and another is working with the Ministry of Health…That was a good day for me to meet and hear them mention how far they have reached with their goals.” 

Even though she is a foreigner teaching mostly Ugandan students at UCU, she manages to connect with them academically and culturally. 

“I came to UCU with some African experience from Zimbabwe, where I spent 17 years teaching in similar settings like at UCU, so my experience there helped me understand how things are done in Uganda,” she said.

Karen believes that the nursing program at UCU provides a holistic and extensive education to the students, especially since the course is taught from a Christian perspective.

“This helps nurses that have passed through this program to develop a caring spirit for their patients,” she said. “When our students give care, they give care from a Christian perspective exemplified by the love of their patients.” 

Before the Covid-19 outbreak, Karen would come to Uganda to teach at UCU three times a year and would spend a couple of weeks on the campus each time. However, the outbreak of Covid-19 disrupted her schedule and everything was put online. Additionally, her caregiver role for an aging parent in Minnesota, USA, has cut visits to UCU shorter. She’s hoping to eventually resume her in-person schedule.

“Today, when I come to Mukono, I no longer spend so much time there because I am taking care of my father who is now 101 years old,” she said. “It is when my brother comes to take care of my father that I come to UCU. I came three times in 2022.” 

Karen says she got acquainted with UCU through Bethel University, where she lectures. “I got introduced to UCU because Bethel had developed a strong partnership with them. I took Bethel students to UCU and other parts of Uganda, and some UCU nursing students also came and spent some time at the campus at Bethel.”

Karen says that the UCU community is welcoming. “When I stayed on campus at UCU, I had very good neighbors and friends, besides my nursing colleagues.” 

Before coming to UCU, Karen says she stayed in Zimbabwe as a missionary. It is in Zimbabwe where she met her husband, who was also a missionary working as a doctor. 

“We were married in Zimbabwe in 1975, and we have two grown children,” she said. “My husband also came to UCU many times before he passed on five years ago.”


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Chat Leah Abasiya wearing one of her crotchet products

UCU nursing student braids student hair for a living

Chat Leah Abasiya wearing one of her crotchet products
Chat Leah Abasiya wearing one of her crotchet products

By Nicole Nankya
Chat Leah Abasiya is not a full-time hair stylist. In fact, she has not even attended formal training in hairstyling. But her skills would make anyone doubt these facts.  

For people who know Abasiya’s history, the exceptional crocheting and hair styling skills are not by accident. They are skills she has mastered after more than 10 years of experience. Abasiya, a Uganda Christian University (UCU) student from Nigeria, took advantage of the fact that her country allows girls to keep long hair throughout primary and secondary school to start learning hair styling skills since she was sure she had the market. 

The UCU student of Bachelor of Nursing says her mother encouraged her and her three female siblings learned hair styling so that they would practice on each other’s hair.

She further mastered the skill and earned money from it since she came to Uganda in 2017. When she arrived at UCU, she started by styling hair of only Nigerian students, many of whom were not comfortable with the way Ugandans braided their hair.

Then, one Ugandan came, followed by six. And that opened Abasiya’s door to braiding hair for Ugandan students.

“I believe that students don’t have much money to spend on their hair,” she said. “So, I charge a modest fee of sh15,000 to sh30,000 (about $4.10 to $8.20) per head.”

Gloria Okeke, a year-four UCU student pursuing a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, says Abasiya has been her hairstylist for the time they have known each other at the university.

“She is a good listener who puts in her best to ensure customer satisfaction,” Okeke says. Abasiya usually plaits students’ hair from her hostel room or, where need be, she travels to where the client is. For the latter option, she charges slightly higher, to cater for the costs of the travel. 

Abasiya ended up pursuing university education in Uganda miraculously. First, she says she did not know any university in Uganda. Kenya was originally her first choice for a country in East Africa, but she later settled for Uganda because of relative peace in the country. The 2015 attack by Al Shabaab on Kenya’s Garissa University made Abasiya and her family change their mind to studying in Uganda, after she did not get admission into universities in Nigeria for her preferred course of nursing.  

She also runs a YouTube channel, where she often posts information about what she does and her life in a Ugandan university. With all the demands of the nursing course, one wonders how Abasiya is able juggle the course and update her YouTube channel. Planning is the answer, she says. On days when she is free without lectures, she uses them for recording, editing and posting videos. Being on the media team in her church back in Nigeria gave her opportunity to learn how to edit videos.

“This semester, I am free on Tuesdays, so I record from 5 to 6 p.m., edit the videos at night and then upload them on Thursday mornings,” she said. Sundays are usually reserved for crocheting. 

For students who wish to do business while still at school, Abasiya has this counsel: “Have a passion in something and take action. Whatever you are passionate about, just go ahead and do it.”


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Laura Jean Murungi on her graduation day on October 22, 2021

UCU Partners helps Murungi realise her nursing dream

Laura Jean Murungi on her graduation day on October 22, 2021
Laura Jean Murungi on her graduation day on October 22, 2021

By Yasiri J. Kasango
As October 22, 2021, approached, students who were expecting to graduate at Uganda Christian University (UCU) were busy clearing with different offices to get their names on the final graduation list. Laura Jean Murungi, a nursing student, had passed all her papers, so she assumed she would be on the list.

For her entire time at campus, Murungi was a beneficiary of the Government of Uganda loan financing scheme for needy students. In the arrangement, government advances the student a loan to meet their tuition needs at a university, and it is paid back when the student gets a job after graduation.

Murungi as a student at UCU.
Murungi as a student at UCU.

When Murungi walked into the UCU finance office to get clearance for her graduation, she was shocked to learn that she owed the university sh450,000 (about $126). How the debt arose, she had no idea, but quickly attributed it to miscalculation on the part of the Higher Education Students Financing Board that was dispensing the money to UCU.

Having learned about the debt, she had only one option: To look for the sh450,000 that she owed the university. The timeframe to realise the money from the Higher Education Students Financing Board was short. Murungi and her parents had been victims of the economic destruction of the Covid-19 pandemic, so they hardly had any finances. As Murungi pondered disappointment in missing graduation, someone refereed her to the UCU Financial Aid office.

“Mr. (Walter) Washika advised me to apply for a UCU Partners grant to clear the balance,” Murungi says. Washika is UCU’s Financial Aid Manager.

A few days later, she received communication that her prayers had been answered. Benefactors of the UCU Partners non-profit based in the USA had reduced Murungi’s fees balance at UCU to zero. That communication meant Murungi was to graduate with her colleagues who joined UCU in 2017.

“I am so grateful to God,” Murungi said. “I would love to thank the UCU Financial Aid office’s level of transparency and financial assistance to students. I thank UCU Partners for paying off my debt.”

Murungi was among  the more than 3,000 students who graduated at UCU’s 22nd graduation ceremony on October 22, 2021.

“I am passionate about saving lives and caring for the ill,” Murungi says, indicating that since childhood, she has always dreamed of becoming a nurse. “This is a dream come true for me.”    She joins the workforce in a specialty where the numbers do not favor the internationally required ratio to manage Uganda’s population.

According to the International Council of Nurses and the World Health Organization, a nurse-to-patient ratio of 1:3 for emergency units; 1:2 for intensive care units; and 1:8 for other wards is recommended. However, statistics in Uganda indicate that the nurse-to-patient ratio is about 1:1,884. At this rate, the system could harvest a burnout on the part of the nurses.

However, before Murungi gains the status of a registered nurse in Uganda to improve on the nurse:patient ratio, she first has to fulfil the mandatory government requirement of a yearlong internship. And that is what she is currently doing. After her internship, Murungi looks forward to working in one of the hospitals in Uganda.

Murungi is the only child of John Atuhaire and Samantha Kugonza of Buddo in Wakiso district, central Uganda. In her primary and secondary school, her parents were paying her fees.

She attended Sir Apollo Kaggwa Old Kampala for primary education and St. Mary’s Kitende in Wakiso district for her secondary education (both O’level and A’level), before joining UCU’s Faculty of Public Health, Nursing Midwifery to pursue Bachelor of Nursing Science.

(The nursing students pay semester tuition of Ugx 2,104,000/= ($579.7) and other fees of Ugx 638000/= ($175.8) without accommodation.)


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Mwebembezi Frank admitting a patient into the Intensive Care Unit at Mulago National Hospital

UCU nursing alumnus provides life-saving care at Uganda’s national referral hospital

Mwebembezi Frank admitting a patient into the Intensive Care Unit at Mulago National Hospital
Mwebembezi Frank admitting a patient into the Intensive Care Unit at Mulago National Hospital

By Eriah Lule
In a hospital’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU), the need to make split-second decisions when the health status of a patient changes only means one thing: The nurses have to keep on their toes. That has been the work environment of Mwebembezi Frank for four years.

Mwebembezi in the ICU at Mulago National Referral Hospital at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Mwebembezi in the ICU at Mulago National Referral Hospital at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Mwebembezi is an ICU nurse at Mulago Hospital, Uganda’s national referral health facility. ICU nurses are mainly charged with the duty of providing lifesaving care to patients, many of who are fighting for their lives, and therefore, need a 24/7 nursing care. At Mulago, as with many other health facilities, crisis is an everyday occurrence. To execute his work well, this Uganda Christian University (UCU) alum has to summon a certain degree of level-headedness. 

By his admission, Mwebembezi seems to have been well prepared for such a task. As a student of Bachelor of Nursing Science at UCU, Mwebembezi says he visited several hospitals for nursing practice as an intern.

“Those days,” he says, “were the formation of my resilience and bone-deep passion for health work. We used to do practical studies in different hospitals.”

With such programs, the 27-year-old says they got invaluable mentorships from senior medical professionals in the medical field, especially with the specialty of nursing, something he believes helped sharpen his love for the job. 

At the UCU Faculty of Public Health, Nursing and Midwifery, students are availed real-life training opportunities to practice health work through internships and community outreach programs.

Denis Kuteesa, a UCU alumnus working as a volunteer at the Infectious Diseases Institute at Mulago, says it is “always exciting to learn from peers like Mwebembezi “who has a background of studying at UCU. “He is approachable and a supportive peer-mentor,” Kuteesa adds.

Mwebembezi’s journey at UCU began in 2014. Four years later, he graduated. His joining UCU had the influence of an older sibling who is an alumnus of the university. 

Before joining UCU,  Mwebembezi attended Nyakatsiro Primary School, Bishop Ogez High School, and St. Kaggwa Bushenyi High School, all in western Uganda. 

He is of the view that nurses in Uganda are not co-operative enough to have their concerns, such as issues of welfare,  addressed. He says the welfare of medical interns was among the thorns in his flesh as their leader.

Mwebembezi with workmates in the ICU
Mwebembezi with workmates in the ICU

From 2018-2019, Mwebembezi was the chairperson of the Federation of Uganda Medical Interns. He says during his term of office, he advocated for timely payment. At the time, the interns were receiving their allowances every quarter. Mwebembezi succeeded in getting the payment changed from quarterly to monthly.   

For those who know Mwembembezi’s family, it was no surprise that he became the leader of the intern-nurses. His father, Tuhimbise Lemigious Kakyebezi, is a political leader in their district, Mitooma, in western Uganda. Mwembembezi’s mother, Kevin Deudata, is a retail trader in the same district.

Subsequent to receiving his undergraduate degree, Mwebembezi has obtained a Master’s of Science in Medical Microbiology from Mbarara University of Science and Technology in western Uganda. As an aspiring medical scholar, Mwebembezi believes a PhD is within reach. 

He hopes to acquire a doctorate within the next five years, so that he is able to “impact my society through publishing research.”


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Drs. Brian and Judith Taylor, nurse education philanthropists through UCU Partners

Husband-wife doctor team plugs nursing gap through UCU scholarships

Drs. Brian and Judith Taylor, nurse education philanthropists through UCU Partners
Drs. Brian and Judith Taylor, nurse education philanthropists through UCU Partners

By Patty Huston-Holm
Given the choice between having a doctor or nurse at your bedside, pick a nurse. 

Brian and Judith Taylor, a recently retired husband-and-wife physician team in Uniontown, Pa., humbly make that recommendation. 

This endorsement is not to say that doctors aren’t important.  They are.  To state otherwise would negate the long and productive medical careers the Taylors and countless other physicians have. 

But the world’s need for nurses is critical. The World Health Organization in 2020 reported 28 million nurses make up 59% of the world’s health care workers. There are about two for every doctor. At that, WHO says there is a 5.9 million nursing shortfall. The demand is even greater in developing countries. 

For close to two decades, the Taylors have been doing what they can to help plug the nursing gap in one of those countries – Uganda.  They have funneled their contributions through the Pennsylvania-based non-profit, Uganda Christian University (UCU) Partners, which, among other roles, provides UCU nursing scholarships. 

The Taylors’ support has been anonymous – until now. 

In late February, they agreed to publicize their names alongside their philanthropical efforts in hopes of inspiring others to contribute. For the parents of three, with two grandchildren, the Taylors have been downsizing – such as moving from a five-bedroom home to one with two – to give more. 

“You can’t put a U-Haul behind a hearse,” Brian joked.

In conversation from their modest home in rural Pennsylvania, Brian and Judith Taylor shared part of their story. It’s one that has influenced countless UCU nursing student stories. With seriousness and humor, the two doctors described what led them to appreciate and understand the need for nurses and why they champion UCU nursing education.

“Too many times, doctors from economically poor countries go to wealthier countries to make more money,” said Brian, who first visited UCU in 2005. “Nurses stay behind and care for families, friends and neighbors to the very end.”

Judith, who, five years ago, concluded her medical career of decades in oncology and hospice care, has first-hand knowledge of the impact nurses have at the end-of-life stage. Nurses “are keen observers and listeners,” acting as a bridge between the patient and the doctor, she said. 

“Most of the time, 70 percent of a diagnosis can come from asking good questions, 25 percent from an exam, 5 percent with a technical test,” according to Judith, who worked as a nurse aide in the early part of her career. “This applies especially in the developing world, where there is limited access to technology.” 

Dr. Brian Taylor with UCU nursing students in 2005
Dr. Brian Taylor with UCU nursing students in 2005

A native of England, Judith’s early professional career focused on radiation oncology. Before retirement, she was a doctor in Hospice.  Now, she is a volunteer with an interfaith organization, mostly taking patients to appointments. Brian started out as a computer scientist, but shifted to general medical practice after “falling in love with an English woman while in Scotland.” Following retirement as a general practitioner, he taught anatomy and physiology to nursing students for three years.

“At UCU and through Partners, I saw a critical need and a good organization to help a quality university meet that need,” Brian recalled of his visit to Uganda 17 years ago. “The Christian focus aligns with our faith-based beliefs. And the wonderful notes from the nursing students let us know how much they appreciate us.”

Judith has never been to Uganda. She was poised to go in 2020 when Covid hit.  She hopes to visit this October. 

Dr. Brian Taylor with child in Bolivia
Dr. Brian Taylor with child in Bolivia

Practicing medicine in disadvantaged countries is not foreign to the Taylors. In their 46-year marriage, the couple has provided health care services both in the United States and abroad. Through church and other Christian groups, they have felt a calling to lend their medical expertise in Bolivia, Honduras and Myanmar. 

Both on their own and through the Society of Anglican Missionaries and Senders (SAMS), the Taylors spent most of their out-of-country time in Myanmar, one of the poorest countries in southeast Asia. In their six years of visits to Myanmar (also known as Burma), they built friendships and provided health educational services.

“We spent a lot of time listening before teaching,” Brian said.

With listening comes understanding, according to Judith who, along with Brian, quickly realized that many people in huts with dirt floors and limited sanitation believed in witchcraft and took advice from unqualified tribal “healers.” 

In some villages, Judith recalled, there was a practice of putting pig feces on umbilical cords with a belief this prevents infections. At the same time, she observed one young man with no formalized health credentials correctly identify someone with leprosy and, as a nurse would, “stay at the leper’s side until he got the care he needed.”

Their role was one of gently dispelling myths while teaching healthcare and wellness and sharing the word of Christ.

In one lesson of wellness in Myanmar, Judith used balloons to demonstrate a lesson about high blood pressure. She watched as her class of mostly young people from farming backgrounds positioned the deflated balloons at the sides of their mouths like flutes to blow them up to various sizes and pop them.  This, she explained, is not unlike blood vessels that can burst and cause strokes if proper care isn’t taken to lower blood pressure. 

The Taylors administered health care training and provided prevention information through local health care workers who visited villages on mo-peds. 

And they incorporated evangelism.

“It’s hard for physicians to think that prayer is the first thing to do,” Judith said. “They often think it’s the last thing, but prayer should be first, last and ongoing.” 

Brian said the Taylors have served in the USA and other countries in times of calm and discord, observing that situations of “natural or political crises are when people will most turn to the gospel” and that “if people have heard the message before, they better realize how the Word gets them through.”

For the Taylors, as Judith concluded, helping future nurses fill the health care gap in Uganda is simply a continuance of “putting the talents and blessings God gave us to work.” 


(NOTE: Judith made the first Taylor contribution for a Partners nursing scholarship fund.  With Brian and Judith Taylor’s recent agreement to be open about their involvement, the endowment includes the new designation of the Dr. Judith Taylor Nursing Student Award.)

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