Clergy Scholarships

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In East Africa, Rural Priests Serve as Teachers, Counselors, Public Health Experts, and Much More

“Pastors here preach, teach, and reach out to about every part of the community, and they also do school scholarship fundraising, engage in political matters, give advice about sickness and finance and sacrifice from their own family time and budgets to give to the larger body of the church.”

—Dr. Joel Obetia (Retired Bishop of Madi & West Nile Diocese)

Pastors in rural Uganda are among the most educated people in their village. As a result, they are consulted on matters that range from human resource issues at the church-run schools to agricultural practices. Where better for these clergy to be trained than a Christian university that teaches these disciplines—and more—in an authentically Christian environment? The formal education and the extra-curricular opportunities at UCU prepare clergy students for the variety of responsibilities they will face in their ministries.

Photo: Rev. Moses Salimo, a UCU graduate, preaches to his congregation in Sebei Diocese in eastern Uganda. In addition to his ministry as a priest, Moses works to translate the Bible into the local language, and is a leader in the coffee growers co-op that drives the economic growth of the region.


When the Pew is Higher Than the Pulpit:

The Importance of Clergy Training for Educated,Urban Parishes

Photos: Rev. Tomson Abaho standing outside of, and preaching within, the Ankole Diocese Cathedral.

“It is very challenging to lead a church of educated professionals without having sufficient education and training yourself. Priests here refer to this as ‘the pew being higher than the pulpit’ and it can make ministry very difficult.”

—Rev. Tomson Abaho, Ankole Diocese

While the educated middle class of Uganda is significantly smaller than in the US, it faces the same temptations of secularism and materialism. Educating clergy to pastor this group is an essential part of pastoring the business, political and social leaders of Uganda.
By training clergy at the bachelors, masters and PhD levels, Uganda Christian University not only prepares these priests for ministry to educated Ugandan Christians, it exposes them to the other disciplines taught at the University and to their fellow students who will be the future leaders in Uganda—and their own future parishioners.