Tag Archives: Master’s

Sister Mary Nakitto, master’s degree in Social Work

Sister Mary’s ‘endless call’ to help abandoned children

Sister Mary Nakitto, master’s degree in Social Work
Sister Mary Nakitto, master’s degree in Social Work

By Christine Mirembe
(third of four parts – UCU postgraduate focus)

With a heart called to serve, Sister Mary Nakitto devotes her life to abandoned zero- to three-year-old children, providing them with love, support and a chance for a brighter future.  The recent Uganda Christian University (UCU) master’s degree graduate in Social Work sees herself as a caregiver and voice for this often-overlooked population. 

“As a religious person, my call to serve is so obvious and most expected by the community,” she said. “Therefore, my field of study was directed towards empowering my capacity to serve with expertise and confidence which merged well with what I should be as a religious person.” 

Born June 23, 1979, at Nsambya Hospital, Kampala, Uganda, Sister Mary’s journey is marked by compassion, dedication, resilience and a deep commitment to her faith. Her educational voyage from 1992 to 1997 took her through St. Pontiano Ngondwe, a humble Senior Secondary School, in Nazigo, Bugerere. From a tender age and because her school required students to perform manual labor, she learned the value of teamwork and various practical skills.

After completing her secondary education and focused on the complex needs of marginalized people, Sister Mary pursued a Bachelor of Development Studies at Makerere University. With a desire to learn and do more, she embarked in 2019 on a master’s degree at UCU. Studying from the Kampala campus, she is  among the inaugural class of 21 students to graduate in July 2024 with a master’s degree in Social Work. 

“Among my classmates were three fellow nuns from different religious institutes,” Sister Mary recounted. “We attended in person and  bonded well.”

Her postgraduate academic journey was fairly smooth until the Covid-19 pandemic sentenced all institutions of learning to a lockdown. 

The total lockdown and many other government directives could not permit movements at any cost,” she recalled. “UCU had immediately engaged us to study online but the government interrupted and ordered them not to proceed with the online classes because other universities were not able to facilitate online programs.”

In 2021, UCU online classes commenced during the Easter semester, allowing Sister Mary and her classmates to do their examinations online under supervision. 

With all requirements but her dissertation completed, she embraced the work of research on the topic of “Push Factors Associated with Parental Child Abandonment: A Case of Kalungu District.” Her study examines why child abandonment persists despite endeavors to rescue children. She assessed the factors that sustain the prevalence of child abandonment. She looked at possible mitigation measures for this problem. 

By the end of 2022, she had successfully completed and defended her research to qualify for UCU’s July 2024 graduation.

With a master’s degree,  Sister Mary qualifies within required government guidelines to work with the probation office, police and the magistrate to help rescue the babies in dire need. Apart from helping her fellow workers with hands-on knowledge and being a consultant in the field, this advanced degree has built her confidence in community work and all issues concerning child care and other social activities like counseling, community development, donor funding activities and more.

 “I would say that service is an endless call in our society which we all ought to willfully offer to our respective communities; this is what our faith calls for,” said Sister Mary, 45, and warden at St. Francis Revival Home, a baby facility in Kalungu District. “Education is a weapon that empowers us and shields us to serve with expertise and confidence amidst the challenging world where we live so that our efforts don’t go to waste or are misallocated.” 


To support Uganda Christian University programs, students, activities and services, go to www.ugandapartners.org and click on the “donate” button, or contact UCU Partners Executive Director, Mark Bartels, at m.t.bartels@ugandapartners.org.

Also, follow us on X (formerly Twitter), Instagram and Facebook

Dr. Joseph Jakisa Owor, Head, Graduate Research & Training, Directorate of Postgraduate Studies, provides guidance to Sandra Namisango, a UCU student pursuing a Master’s in Business Administration.

UCU boasts 66 postgraduate programs with 3,000 alumni

Dr. Joseph Jakisa Owor, Head, Graduate Research & Training, Directorate of Postgraduate Studies, provides guidance to Sandra Namisango, a UCU student pursuing a Master’s in Business Administration.
Dr. Joseph Jakisa Owor, Head, Graduate Research & Training, Directorate of Postgraduate Studies, provides guidance to Sandra Namisango, a UCU student pursuing a Master’s in Business Administration.

With 66 postgraduate degree opportunities, Uganda Christian University (UCU) provides expanded academic and professional programs to students in Uganda and beyond. The university, which started in 1997 with master’s degree offerings since 2003, has 3,000 postgraduate alumni. 

Although theory and practical application are important components of any curriculum, the UCU postgraduate research element is key to an advanced degree. The dissertation at UCU uniquely defines the graduate with an expanded body of knowledge for the research field and the researcher. While UCU postgraduate students with undergraduate degrees from UCU generally have research experience, the master’s level students coming from other higher education institutions may not. 

Thus, the Centre for Research and Academic Writing Services (CRAWS) evolved under the Postgraduate Directorate at UCU to serve both experienced and inexperienced researchers. CRAWS, launched in July 2023, addresses the significant demand for academic writing and research support – an effort previously met through one-off clinics that, while useful, were insufficient to fully meet students’ needs. 

CRAWS provides a structured and sustained system of support through regular, on-line seminars and one-on-one coaching sessions.  These services are designed to help students develop the advanced writing and research skills necessary to successfully complete their dissertations and theses. Since its inception, CRAWS has supported over 500 students, significantly contributing to improved research completion rates and the quality of research output at UCU.

The Postgraduate Directorate shares the university mission of promoting high-quality, Christ-centered graduate education. With a vision to become a leading center for graduate training in Africa, the Directorate strives to develop globally excellent scholars and professionals who embody Christian values. The core values—Christ-centeredness, diligence, integrity, stewardship, and servanthood—are aligned with all of UCU and underscore commitment to holistic education.

This approach not only sets UCU apart from other institutions but also ensures that its graduates are prepared to lead with integrity and purpose in their respective fields.

The Directorate strides to enhance  graduate research and training capacity include training staff in research supervision, online instruction,and scientific writing. The Directorate has introduced measures to standardize postgraduate programs, monitor compliance across schools and faculties, and organize scientific writing seminars and workshops. The effective use of external examiners is also a critical component in maintaining the high standards expected of UCU graduates.

The Directorate also is focused on efforts to enrich and harmonize recruitment across the university, promote research and learning opportunities,and improve the quality of graduate student supervision to ensure timely completion. Regular reviews of graduate programs and the implementation of recommendations are key to maintaining high academic standards.

Recognizing the importance of student retention, the Directorate has implemented strategies to improve support for graduate students, foster vibrant academic communities, and streamline administrative processes. These efforts are aimed at ensuring that students have a positive and fulfilling experience at UCU, which in turn contributes to higher retention and completion rates.

To sustain and grow its postgraduate programs within all of UCU’s 11 faculties and schools, UCU has developed a comprehensive marketing strategy aimed at increasing enrollment and retention. This strategy includes person-to-person marketing through alumni, lecturers and other stakeholders, as well as a focus on online offerings for many programs, which is particularly attractive to working professionals. UCU also recognizes the importance of selecting qualified and engaging facilitators to ensure that students receive the best possible education.

The university understands that to remain competitive, it must continually revisit and refine its strategies, curricula, and support systems. The Postgraduate Directorate’s ongoing initiatives, including the work of CRAWS, are central to this effort, ensuring that UCU remains at the forefront of graduate education in Africa.

The quality of UCU graduates is a reflection of the university’s commitment to excellence. 


The staff within the UCU Postgraduate Directorate are Asso. Prof. Kukunda Elizabeth Bacwayo, Dr. Joseph Jakisa Owor, Dr. Godwin Awio, Jerome Makumbi and Desire Kagaba. During the next three days, Uganda Partners will feature profiles of three students receiving master’s degrees in the July graduation. 


To support Uganda Christian University programs, students, activities and services, go to www.ugandapartners.org and click on the “donate” button, or contact UCU Partners Executive Director, Mark Bartels, at m.t.bartels@ugandapartners.org.

Also, follow us on X (formerly Twitter), Instagram and Facebook